Monday, April 8, 2013

Very productive weekend.

I'm back! We got in about 7:30 last night, tired and dusty and a little sunburned. Apparently, last week was the darkness before the dawn.

Good Stuff:
- I won't keep you in suspense. The warrior queen set went very well. I didn't vomit or trip, and I got positive remarks later. The band had fun, too! I'm now the Official Bard of Pictus. About half-way through the first story, the terror subsided enough for me to hear the little voice in my head say, "This is FUN!!!!" Eric video taped it. We're in the process of trying to figure out how to post it online. Vicky even came to see it. She's the one who took the pictures I posted on Facebook.
- Immediately after the last story a lady asked me for a business card. I didn't catch all of what she said since the band was playing, but apparently she's interested in having me come tell stories at a pagan picnic in St. Louis. I don't know any details yet. Turns out we have a mutual friend who told her about me and warned her that I'm Christian so I might not be interested. I figure John Wesley went to taverns to preach to the lost, and one pagan picnic won't turn me! If it's a paid gig, even better!
- We had more people come by the clan tent than Jeff and the girls usually get in a season. Hopefully, some of those names will translate into people who come and help and become active in the clan. (Have I mentioned that my bard mentor, Jeff, is also the State Commission for Clan Campbell in Missouri? The girls are his regular helpers (keepers) and have been doing games with him for years.)
- The cats didn't seem to be too traumatized by being left alone all weekend. In the past we had one of our kids' friends come in to feed them and give scritchies, but we're going to be away several weekends this summer and it seemed more cost effective to buy feeder. They're all a little twitchy this morning, but not much more than usual.
- The weather was lovely. A bit windy on Saturday, but it died down before we left the festival for the night. We had a great turn-out, especially given that last year was virtually rained out.
- I did a lot of baking last week, considering I don't bake much these days. I offered to take dessert to a meeting last week, and my scone recipe was so well received that I was told I needed to take some to the festival. I ended up making a total of four batches of scones and six dozen mini cupcakes. I might have a few cupcakes left. I have to say it was a joy to work in a kitchen with ample counter space.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Jeff threw his back out early last week, so he didn't come out until the day the festival started. (He lives in Kansas City.) Consequently, we didn't get as much time to visit with him as we may have had. Not that we didn't visit the entire weekend, so it wasn't that big of a deal. He was pretty miserable by the end of each day, though.
- My dryer was supposed to be fixed (again) today. Not gonna happen. Our repair guy was in a car accident and dislocated his shoulder. I don't know when, but it must have been recent. He talked to Eric, so I got all the info second-hand. What it boils down to for me is that I'll be air-drying laundry again, although the weather is supposed to be nice, so I might move the drying rack outside.
- Allergy season is upon us. 'Nuff said.

Over all, it was a decent week and a great weekend. In a couple days I should stop slipping into the brogue at random times. :-)

1 comment:

Jean said...

What a tremendous week! Congratulations on your bard success!

You make delicious scones. I can completely understand why they were a hit.

Did you go with the feeder like I use or did you find something more user friendly? If you went with the one like mine, if you just leave it on the automatic feeder mode all the time, it will probably serve you well, and you'll only have to refill the feeder every month or so. Unless, of course you don't buy cat food in 16 pound bags like I do. ;)

It's funny, four cats could get by for a long weekend on a full food and water tower, but eight cats only last half that time. It takes twice as many food and water towers for eight cats. I'm sure there's a mathematical principle that fully illustrates somewhere. Commutative property or something like that. I never could figure out what those meant. Math was a whole nother language, and I speak pidgin (which is better than I do in any language other than English).

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