Saturday, June 1, 2013

Cold Stone Creamery is yummy stuff

Bill and I went on an impromptu romantic vacation over the Memorial Day holiday weekend and it was freaking AWESOME. At least for me. Bill helped his dad build a deck during part of it, but we spent gobs of time together and it was soooo great!! The only wrench in the works was the Cold Stone Creamery across the street from the hotel, and we had ice creams there every day.

VERY yummy, and totally worth the not too awful (about 10-12) points.

My weight went up, not because of the ice creams, which I paid for, but because I only exercised once over the four day span, and because I didn't get all of my water in. Otherwise, I did all right. Well, I had a waffle once, and I have wheaty issues, which caused bloating...

But I stuck within points ranges and really did great (even with ice cream!!), other than the water and exercise portion of the plan. I've already lost the couple of pounds and am back to where I was, so that's all good all ready.

Otherwise, things are all right. Still awaiting the next batch of changes from The Agent about SPORE, but I worked on Morgan's Run a little today. The Agent's last set of suggestions kind of got me worrying, so I had a totally new, clean, never-before-seen-the-narrative-or-concept reader take a look at it. He found not only an inaccurate labeling of the MC's musical tastes, but answered a couple of clarifying questions I had, based upon The Agent's previous input. He basically confirmed what the agent said which made me feel GOBS better. Everything's on the same track now, instead of me sitting here wondering what the heck?!?!, if that makes sense. Anyway, it's all good and I'd really like to get back to work. Like now.

I dunno about you guys, but food prices are really jumping here. Meat, especially, has jumped 50-100% since Christmas. Since more and more of our income is going to food (and savings is taking the hit), I have begun looking for a part time job. I have to admit, tho, that my heart isn't in it. Which bugs me. Because I should be delighted to get to work. But I'm not. And the appalling lack of employment opportunities is very disheartening, unless I want to work food service, but I don't think that's a good idea with me being on Weight Watchers and all. I have, tho, applied to work the desk at a couple of hotels, and a couple of clerical type jobs, as well as an admissions clerk at Dr. offices. I haven't had a 'real job' for about ten years, though, so my chances of finding something are surely slim. Spending a decade being a wife, mom, and writer doesn't open many doors in rural Iowa. Unless of course I wanna ask if folks want fries with that. ;)

I've done some sewing. Done some cleaning. Tried to break my internet addiction (with mixed results). Pets are fine, we're all fine, weather is wet... All in all things are okay. Just itching to get to work, either on a book or a job.

Preferably a book. ;)

Health wise, I'm down 36 lbs, blood pressure is down to 120/72, my physician is THRILLED overall with the pound a week weight loss and health changes. I'm exercising 6+ times a week (except when we were on vacation, ha ha) and hitting 100% on my ActiveLink a minimum of 3x a week (5 is more common). I have a huge bag of clothes I need to take to Goodwill and my shoes are getting too big. Hoping I can muddle through the summer with them, though, I don't want to buy shoes that I'll only wear a couple of months, because I think more feet shrinkage is coming. I'll get new tennies this fall and donate my sandals.

The only kink in the health works is my hormone levels. My doc has put me on progesterone to level things out as we coast into menopause. Hoping it'll give some relief to the ITCHING, mood swings, and insomnia. I'm taking them on a trial basis only. See how it works this month, then decide if it's worth pursuing or if the cure is worse than the current symptom mess. I have not had good experiences with hormones in the past, but I either need to cross this menopause threshold and be done with it, or find a better way to cope.

Or I could start drinking. But that's not really an option.

That's pretty much it for me. Have a great week, everyone!!


Jean said...

Cold Stone is yummy stuff. You did great keeping it all balanced.

My sympathies to you on the job hunt front. After being retired for a couple of years, I realized it would be quite an adjustment to begin working a traditional job again. I hope I don't have to. Best of luck in achieving what you need most for now and in the future.

Yes, we have also noticed a steep climb in food prices.

SBB said...

We don't have Cold Stone in Oklahoma as far as I know, but it sounds delicious!

Your health news is awesome!

Spore, Spore, SPORE! When am I going to hold that book in my hands? I'm eager to see how it turns out. Do you think there might be sequel?

Wendy said...

Vicky worked for Cold Stone last summer. She routinely had ice cream for breakfast, but she's young and skinny and can do that! Stephen, you're lucky not to have it there. Can't miss what you've never had.

I know what you mean about jobs. The market here is awful, especially for 16-25 year olds. I've been away from work long enough I'm not sure how I'd fit it in again, but I would if I had to.

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