Sunday, June 16, 2013

Good tired.

Home again, home again, fiddle dee dee. My grandma used to say that. I don't know why.

Good Stuff:
- The Chicago Games went well. We got out there Friday afternoon, set up, and then went to the hotel for a quick shower before dinner with friends. After dinner we went back out to the Games area and shopped a bit while we waited for Mothergrove to take the stage. Saturday morning it rained, but that cleared out about noon. We had a pretty busy afternoon, all things considered, and had some people who are interested in volunteering. That's great news--we need minions!
- I got to visit with an old friend from band camp yesterday. He came and hung out at the clan tent for a couple hours. It was great to get caught up, but I can't figure out how it is that it's been nearly 30 years since we saw each other when neither of us is old enough for that. Must be a time/space continuum thing.
- Traffic was light on our drive home today. Everything is unloaded.
- My food plan was successful. I packed a tortellini salad for lunch, plus snacks and ice water with lemon slices in quart mason jars. (I froze the jars 1/2 full of water, so they acted as ice packs for the drive.) I even packed a quart of chai for my caffeine fix. FWIW, if you keep chai in a cooler, it's best to drink it a bit at a time. It gave me brain freeze. We only ate fair food once, and that was dinner last night because we didn't feel like driving anywhere for food, and we wanted to listen to Mothergrove again.
- Talked with the people in charge of entertainment and offered my services as a storyteller for next year. If I can make enough to pay for our clan tent registration and some of our travel expenses, I'll be a happy girl.
- I got the house picked up before we left and even managed to vacuum downstairs. It was nice to come home to a neat-ish house.
- The furries are talking to me. Sort of. They'll alternate between being velcro kitties and giving the cold shoulder for a couple days.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Did not get my words in. I think I did about 900 all week. I need to learn to compartmentalize better. I set aside two days to get words in, and ended up doing other things. Presumably I'll get better at it when we get into the habit of going to Games, but right now I obsess over the details way too far in advance. June isn't looking so good.
- Speaking of compartmentalizing, I have 2 weeks before the first of the Boys gets here. Danny is coming in early again, so it's 2 weeks of company for us. Luckily, Alex will be here to help me entertain him while Eric is at work.
- The lawn needs attention again. So does the garden.
- I need to step up the exercise some more. That's another thing that goes by the wayside when I get busy and distracted with other things. Why can I not forget to eat once in a while?

This Week:
- Words. Really. Get the words.
- Laundry/house/lawn, etc.
- Reschedule the haircut I completely forgot about last week.
- Update the Games pack list.
- Try to figure out a systematic approach to learning Scottish history. If I know the history, I can tell the stories. Simple as that. Right? You'd think I'd have figured this out by now, having been a homeschooling mom.

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