Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'm late, but I didn't have a computer. :)

Back from vacation and it was awesome and relaxing and soooo romantic and quiet and just great! I even read almost half of a book (Jodi Picoult's The Storyteller) since we were rained in most of yesterday.

I ate too much VERY yummy food, but I'm okay with that. I'd planned on it, and I'm back on WW tomorrow. :) If I gained, I gained. Totally not a problem.



The Agent wants the book to be more CDC shutdown military involvement media thriller. I want an intimate story of two people facing bad and scary things. Those two goals aren't really compatible, so we've agreed to let me go out and try to find another agent, but I can, at any time, come right back to them if I want to write more of a Big Blockbuster Event kinda book.

So I spent a day going over my previous queries (from Morgan's full and Spore's partial) and sent a new Spore Only query to three agents and my old editor's boss at Bantam.

One agent responded almost immediately with a request for the whole book, and another, while we were out of town, for a partial.

So that's where that stands.

Otherwise things are pretty much the same. I'm on the last dregs of my cold, but really, stuff here is pretty good.

{{hugs}} all around. I hope everyone has a better week.


SBB said...

Well, I'm disappointed in your first agent, but pleased that the other two are interested. SPORE needs to be published! People -- me -- are waiting!

Glad you're getting over your cold. There's been a lot of people sick here.

And glad you had great vacation. You deserved it. :)

Jean said...

We knew you were off having fun. That's allowed. In fact, encouraged. Keep on truckin'.

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