Sunday, September 8, 2013

Here I am

Been away from Createslate dealing with health problems. I'm hoping I will start getting answers this week. It will be quite depressing if the tests continue.

I've felt better yesterday and today. Better than I've had since this started. Maybe this means they're getting the meds right. I hope so.

Yes, full of hope here. Don't know why. The medical bills are crushing. I've told three business offices that I will make payments. One of them was fine with it. The other two are quite ... demeaning. But I don't have any more money than I told them I did so they will have to be satisfied. Or not. Can't get blood from a stone. They can threaten all they want. I will pay them, but it's going to take a couple of years.

And I don't have any answers yet as to why my blood pressure soared and my pulse went haywire and my heart skipped a few beats. But the meds are bringing down the BP and pulse; not as much as we want yet, but at least it's moving in the right way.

I haven't been doing much. Mostly just sleeping. Been exhausted -- they say the erratic pulse causes that with the side effects of the meds -- but as I said, I've been regaining my energy.

Tuesday, we have a book signing for my local writers group. The group is having to do most of it themselves because I simply can't. I hope they come through. Have made my mind up to not worry about it. Either they do or they don't, but it's not my burden.

Anyway, here I am. Still tired. Debt over my eyebrows. No answers. But hopeful. So very hopeful.


Jean said...

Appreciate your update. I've been following your progress on Facebook and figured you were too exhausted to report much else. I'm glad you're feeling a little more energy these past couple of days.

As Tammy has reported in the past, payments for medical expenses are payments. You do the best you can to negotiate it to what is reasonable given you don't have insurance to pay their markup that everything is priced for, and then you do your best to pay that a little at a time.

That's the right outlook for the book signing. Hugs.

Tammy Jones said...

Hugs, hugs, and more {{hugs}}

I know medical bills can be very, very daunting, but paying a little is better for everyone than paying nothing at all. Perhaps part of their problem is that so many people promise to pay but don't. Once you prove you will pay just like you promised, they'll come around.

I am very relieved that the treatment is helping, even if it's not perfect yet. It's at least moving in the right direction. Might take a little tweaking, but it sounds like they're getting at least close to the right results.

Do what you can do, but no more, your health is too important to risk further. The book signing will manage.

Btw, what's your favorite color?


SBB said...

Thanks, y'all. I appreciate the support.

Jean, I've stayed off Facebook for the reason you've said. Even sitting too long makes me want a nap. But it's getting better.

Tammy, I like dark blues and dark greens and dark reds. Jewel tones, I guess, if that's right.

Wendy said...

I'm glad you're starting to feel better. You sound a lot better than I expected given the circumstances. The writer's group is going to have to pull it off, and that's just that. They know how to do it, and if they don't, they'll figure it out. Hang in there.

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