Saturday, September 28, 2013

Singing in the Rain!

Sitting at our favorite hangout, Timbo's and joyously watching it rain. 

The Good Stuff:
  • I'm enjoying PLF and the Ugly Workshop.  If you watched the videos but couldn't afford the course, you can still participate in the Ugly Baby workshop (I highly encourage this, because they're doing some good things there).  Holly's video alone may be helpful.
  • I'll share what I can, but there are some copyright limitations on the course.  Here are a few things I've learned that can't be a secret:
    • Google Analytics is free, and there are some useful tools there to help you analyze whether what you're doing on your websites or blogs are being productive or not.
    • If you're going to market or sell your own stuff, your mailing list is key.  There are tools to help you build it.  Some cost, and some are free.  If you're going to use a mailing list, to protect yourself from spam concerns, the double opt-in (person signs up, but before they get put on the list, they have to click a link that comes to that email that says they want to be on the list) is crucial as is having a physical address on your email (FCC requirements), and (highly encouraged) a way to unsubscribe.
  • I transferred some of my earlier writing to a project in Scrivener to help me begin working on some short works.
  • I got all the videos for the course (to date0 downloaded to my laptop this afternoon.
  • Thank you, Stephen, for signing up to my list and letting me know some of the challenges you experienced.  I think I found a smaller image and uploaded it today (that wasn't anything you said -- I didn't like a honking huge image that obscured the "meat" of the message).  
  • We got the yard work done in San Antonio.
  • Mr. L has the trip planned out.  
The Not So Good Stuff:
  • The cats chewed another Mac Air power cord.  I wish Apple wouldn't put catnip in these things.
  • We are going to be pushed for getting out of Central TX for vacation, because Mr. L had to stay in town until Monday to get stitches out, and we came down here in one vehicle.  It will work out okay, but we have to return to Central TX via Ft Hood for me to pick up prescription renewals on Monday evening.  That gives us Monday night and Tuesday to locate everything and pack. On a brighter note, we did a few things that we could down here in preparation.
  • Mr. L ran out of way points in his software and has had some issues splitting the trip, which means I get to hear him complain a bit.
The Week Ahead:
  • Gets cats relocated then turn around and crate them up again to take to the "resort."  I think I'll administer their monthly Revolution dosage as I'm releasing them into the kennels.
  • Ensure Sneaky is ready for us to be gone for two weeks
  • Pick up prescription renewals
  • Pack and load for trip
  • Do software updates
  • Locate more archived writing and ensure it's on the laptop.
  • Execute the dreaded PA trip.  I'm sure I'll enjoy some of it, but it's not my favorite trip.  (We're slated to stop at Chickamauga, which should be interesting, for instance.


Jean said...

Just realized the "Submit" button on my sign up form looked really domineering (must have been my inner Hilda, Stephen). I changed it to a form that said "Sign up" instead. I think it looks a little more welcoming.

Wendy said...

Yeah for rain!!!! I know you're doing the happy dance about that!

Can you add a label for the marketing stuff to make it easier to find later? And can you post a link to your list? I must have missed that earlier.

Love the inner Hilda!

Tammy Jones said...

{{hugs}} on Mr. L finding a reason to complain. I know that's not fun for you. More {{hugs}} on the power cord. Bill and I believe Mac does it on purpose since Mac users seem to be cat people, therefore they might sell more power cords. Surely, tho, we're just paranoid.

Everything else sounds great! So glad you're enjoying the course and finding it helpful, and double, triple YAHOOOOO on the rain! Whoop!

Jean said...

Wendy, the list signup is a sidebar box I put on the front page of my blog. Feel free to sign up if you like. I've made a few changes since Stephen signed up, and i appreciate any feedback you want to offer on the process. I want to pretty up my "Success" page a little, and I may look for a way to personalize both the "Thank you" and the other pages associated with the process.

I plan to try to get the first newsletter out on the 15th, but before then, I want to do a blog post explaining what I'm doing. I'm not really enjoying this from a mobile environment. I just went over 6G on cellular data today. I upgraded to 8G for the month, and my rollover date is the 17th. Yeah. I think we'll be okay. Most of the motels we stay at have wireless internet, so we should be fine on less than 2G for the next two weeks.

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