Sunday, September 15, 2013

New Season

Wow, what a week. Drama upon drama. Best to get it over with quickly, right?

- I remembered to buy and mail my Grandma's birthday card a week early. She'll be 96 on Friday.
- Eric and I spent last night in Indianapolis at the My Book Therapy pizza party at ACFW. It was good to see friends and hang out with writers for the evening, but going just for the pizza party was not the best idea. Everyone has been at conference for a few days and they've got their own agendas, so my surprise presence didn't fit in as well as I'd hoped. I did have Eric there in his kilt, though! If I hadn't paid for it in advance, we would have stayed home.
- I thanked Chip MacGregor for not taking on King Or Country last year, which I'm sure he found strange. I told him it will be a better book after the rewrite and that he'll likely be seeing it again.
- I got a fair amount of work done around the house.
- It was a good writing week--7,550 words. I didn't make my daily goal on Thursday, but Tuesday was a great day (at least until Eric got home), so that gave me a cushion.
- Eric isn't driving me crazy yet. He's got some good leads for jobs and, not surprisingly, there are a couple more in Chicago. We're starting to think we're supposed to be there for a while, but we'll see how things shake out. In the meantime, we have money saved and he's applied for unemployment, so while we're suddenly back in 'watching every dime' mode, we're not going to be homeless or starving anytime soon.
- It looks like I'll be leaving again early Tuesday morning for MI. I'm going to have to detour through Macomb, IL because Alex wants to go to Uncle Carl's funeral. It's going to be a long day, but they'll be happy to see him. Eric has school, so it will just be the two of us. I should be hearing from my mom this afternoon about firm plans, but as of last night, they were planning on Wednesday for the funeral. I'm praying that Aunt Shirley's knee has rehabbed enough that she'll be able to make it. She and my step-dad are as close, and I think it will be easier for both of them to face it together.
- I just realized that, depending on how long I'm needed at Mom's, I might be able to actually see Grandma on her birthday. That would be nice!

So that's about it from here. I'll probably be updating Facebook next week, but I'm not sure if I'll be here next weekend. Try to behave, will ya?


Jean said...

Yay for time with your grandmother. I'm sorry about your uncle. I hope things work out for people to get to his funeral.

I've noticed events you only get to partially attend don't go over very well. You miss too much of the common experience everyone else is having, so you miss the inside happenings, even if you know the people. I traveled once to meet up with a friend at a conference I wasn't attending, and, while I was glad to see the friend, the overall experience wasn't good. I no longer travel overnight to see people who will be in my area unless there's time before or after the event to get together. It's not fair to either party if they aren't in a position to focus on the visit. If we're local and can get together for a meal, I make an effort to make it happen. Otherwise, it's been disappointing.

Hope you have a better week next week.

Tammy Jones said...

Hey now, I almost always behave! ;)

I hope you have a good, safe, fun trip and get to hang out with family that you enjoy hanging out with and not the ones who make you cringe. {{hugs}}

Btw, you've written about 7500 more words than I have! Hurray!!

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