Sunday, September 1, 2013

She'll Be Comin' Around the Mountain When She Comes

I can't think of any significance for that song for this week's post, but I always liked it when I was a kid.  Do kids still sing that song anymore?  Does anyone?

The Good Stuff:
  • It's the first of the month and GI News is on my feed to read.  Have you guys heard about this source of information geared but not limited to Glycemic Index foods?  I think it's based in Australia (because the GI ratings haven't hit the fad level here in the States).  On the first of the month, the post a plethora of articles and recipes and other news of interest regarding health for people interested in keeping their diet low on the glycemic index table.  I don't study it as much as I should, but I subscribe to the feed.  This month has some interesting articles.
  • I hauled a bag of clementines with me to San Antonio and didn't eat them down there either, but I decided for the trip back that I would peel them the night before and store them in a zip lock bag.  Then, while I was driving, I would snack on them instead of stopping at Panera and loading up on bagels and coffee before the drive.  This worked well.  (I think clementines may work as a diuretic, though.)
  • The grass was crispy when I got to San Antonio but green and happy when I left.
  • Rossie was out more with Mr L when Lady wasn't here, and Ruby was much more approachable in San Antonio (even sleeping with Natasha for a lot of the time).
  • My dad says his recovery from his hip replacement is going so well, his back doesn't hurt as much as it used to (we suspect because the hip isn't throwing everything out of alignment -- I'm pretty sure he still needs the back surgery, but maybe not as soon).
  • If you have a lot of cats and the price of Revolution flea/tick/mite control is way out of reach, my veterinarian (without me asking) suggested I get the big dog dose and pull it out in a syringe and apply it to the back of their neck (use the needle to open the dose, then draw the 4ml out into the syringe, separate the syringe from the needle, press the blunt end of the syringe to the back of the neck, and apply).  For us, one month of big dog dose will dose 8 cats ($15 vice $75 for equivalent cat dosage).  I buy a box of cat and a box of big dog (because Sneaky needs hers too), and they give me two free with each box, so that's good for eight months.  The vet throws in the syringes for me.  The upside is the cats seem to be less bothered by the syringe administration (no air noise like the individual vials).  If you have fewer cats, calculate the right size dog medicine for the number of cats you have, because you don't want to leave the vial open from month to month (at least, I don't).
  • I got the filters changed.
  • The Equipment Depot checked out the lift and found nothing wrong, but they did suggest a couple of "best practices" to prolong battery life.
  • I made a little progress on PBOTL.  The goal was to finish Lesson 17 in How To Revise Your Novel by the end of August, and I did not do that.

The Not So Good Stuff:
  • The bed we have in San Antonio does a number on my back.  This morning, even though I'm back on my Sleep Number, my lower back and right hip sent a sharp pain coursing through my body, and it's been complaining a little ever since.  I'll get this figured out yet, but as y'all know, it's no fun.
  • Not surprisingly, getting up at 3 am every day to turn on soaker hoses disrupts sleep patterns.  That was very evident on the graph posted to my fitbit dashboard.  Disrupted sleep patterns seem to lead to pain and inflammation in the body.  So maybe I shouldn't be blaming my bed in San Antonio but the getting up at 3 am?
  • Books-A-Million in San Antonio only had three of the bargain journals I wanted.  I bought them all.  If I want any more, I'll have to order them online.
  • I got what I needed done at the Social Security Administration offices to activate my on line account.
 The Week Ahead:
  • Please pray for my sister to get good news on a job she interviewed for (or even good news from an unexpected direction).  She's been out of work since the end of April and is anxious to get back in the saddle (as her severance pay is running out).  She's been thankful for being able to spend time with her family and mom and dad this summer, but she's ready to be back in the employment pool again.  And, frankly, she needs it--even more than she needed this break.
  • Find a way to see my husband's efforts at decluttering as just that and not efforts to eradicate all signs that I live here.
  • Accomplish some decluttering as well this week.
  • Work on PBOTL
  • Begin planning for NaNoWriMo (This is the last year I plan to participate -- it will be ten consecutive years this year, and I think it's served it's purpose for me.  Maybe I'll change my mind next year, but for now, that's what I'm thinking.)


Wendy said...

Why are you getting up at 3 a.m. to turn on the soaker hoses? Do you have a set-up that won't work with a timer?

So glad your dad is feeling better. It's great that his back pain is reduced, too.

Hang in there with Mr. L. I'm sure he hasn't even thought about your point of view. Maybe you should mention it, or put your stamp on the house in ways that don't create clutter (paint color, curtains, etc). You guys lived apart a lot longer than you've lived together.

Jean said...

I'm not sure why I've been resistant to getting a timer for the hose. When I'm in town, I position the hoses early in the day for the evening stint and at the end of the evening stint for the 3am slot, so, in theory, a timer would work well. I may have to reconsider that option.

I have curtains my mom made that he won't allow me to hang and hasn't made time to do it himself (he doesn't want me drilling holes, because if I did it in a way he didn't want he'd have to rebuild the whole house -- or something like that). As for colors, he's very controlling about those as well, so paint isn't an option either. In fact, I'd dearly love to put some PRIMER on the garage, but, of course, he doesn't want me to do that until he rips all the boards off and puts them on upside up (because the builder installed them upside down). No, those issues are completely different, but the clutter issue is really more my mental thinking than his. The moment in question that I blogged about worked out just fine -- at least so far.

I did do something about curtains for the rest of the house (just not the living room, which are the ones my mom made for us). I bought inexpensive curtains from Walmart and hung them on tension rods in the upstairs bedrooms, the parlor, and the downstairs bathroom. They are working well, and after an initial gripe, he hasn't said another word about them (I adjusted one set in his room to let more light into the room).

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