Sunday, May 4, 2014


I had this about ready to post yesterday, and then I got lured away with the promise of Thai food. Decent week, overall, but yesterday was definitely better than today. All the trees started pollinating at the same time, and I've been tired and congested most of the weekend. Not great for productivity. It appears I am allergic to Chicago after all.

Good Stuff:
- I dressed up, went forth, and did a group pre-interview with AFLAC. They've found it's helpful in the interview process if applicants understand how they do business because it's different than how other companies do things. If I was looking for a career, I'd jump at it, but it's full time and part of the responsibilities include cold calling and a few other things I've already done and don't care to do again. I'm blessed to be in the position to say thanks but no thanks. For the record, I found the place with no problem, found a parking spot in the next block, and my van didn't get towed. :-)
- Got some words in. I may need some help wrangling this story sometime in the near future.
- My counselor officially released me from therapy and told me to give her a call to get coffee sometime.
- Finally talked to my bard mentor. He got good reports on my performance at Tartan Day. His pneumonia has finally cleared up, but his back has been out of whack. He did say he was confident enough to recommend me to Games coordinators if he's unable to perform at one of his regular gigs.

Not So Good Stuff:
- While Eric had a good time at the retreat, he came home with a cold, and now he's trying to give it to me. I'm resisting valiantly, but I fear it may overtake me all the same. Maybe it has. It's hard to tell a cold from allergies sometimes. I guess I can't complain. I didn't get sick at all during The Winter From Hell. (Can winter be from Hell? Isn't it too hot there? Or do they have cold parts, too? Maybe that's what we get when they crank the heat up. They suck all the geothermal heat deeper into the core.)
- My wardrobe is woefully thin on professional clothing. My first impulse was to go shopping, but I'm not really up for that right now. Not sure if it's the drastic decrease in closet space or my recent weight gain. I've decided to leave things as they are for now. I can cobble together interview outfits, and if/when I get a job I'll find out what the dress code is and go from there. Who knows, maybe the dress code will be jeans and t-shirts.
- It rained every day this week until today. Not good when one is solar powered.
- I won't be performing at the Chicago Games this year. They don't have it in the budget, but will work it in for next year. If I hadn't done Tartan Day I might have tried to barter to get the gig, but I know how much work it takes now. While I am willing to perform free for certain groups (VA hospital or nursing homes, for example), I'm not about to set that precedent with Games. That could backlash not only on me, but on future performers as well.


Tammy Jones said...

I think - other than the cold, gah!! - It sounds really GOOD overall, especially the subtext (or maybe I'm imagining it) that you're settling in to life in Chicago. You're getting out and doing things and even graduated therapy!!a

Way to GO!!! :high five:

Jean said...

Good thinking on the potential backlash not only for you but other performers regarding Games performances.

Big City life is different from suburban or rural life and takes some getting used to. It sounds like you're embracing it and adjusting to it. Congrats on being released from therapy. And let's hear it for potential jeans and T-shirt jobs -- or whatever it is you'd prefer to wear. I'm so glad you are in a position where you can respectfully decline consideration for a job you know is not for you.

I really like the Winter from Hell idea. As for story wrangling help, let us know when you need it.

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