Saturday, May 31, 2014

Yard Ho

There must be a hip hop song title like that somewhere, right?  If not, there will be someday.  This is me in the summer time.  If I were just in San Antonio, the yard work never ends.  Add in Central Texas, and the work is trebled.  Good thing I generally enjoy yard work.  And now that I have the battery-powered string trimmer, I don't even hate trimming like I used to (there's something about dragging 120 feet of extension cord that gets old really fast).

Have I ever mentioned that I usually feel as if I married the Jack Nicholson character in the movie, As Good As It Gets?  No?  Well, I do. If you're familiar with the movie, they did a great job of helping the audience see how that character had a lovable side (because Mr. L definitely has that), but, well, I hope you get what I mean about how frustrating all the other stuff could be.

The appraisal district has our refined paperwork,  and it seems as if it may be accepted.  I haven't gotten a call back from the Parks and Wildlife guy I left a voice mail for.  Maybe he's on vacation or away at a class?  I'll try again next week.  If we're going to do this, I want a professional's opinion on what things would be advisable to do and what things we shouldn't worry about.

Mr. L got putty work done on the wall mid-section this week.  He could do that around the rain.  I got the yard mowed and trimmed.  I spread the second spreading of Preen.  This is supposed to kill off the sticker burs, so we'll see in about six weeks how effective those efforts have been.  The St. Augustine we transplanted into the side yard over the last two years is spreading like crazy, so we're very pleased with that.  Mr. L brought a bucket full up from SA about a month ago and gave it to our Post Office handy man to fill in some bare spots, and it's doing well there, too. (I've mentioned before what an awesome job that man is doing for our local post office.)

I've read Lesson 18 for How To Revise Your Novel.  I'll start working on it next week in San Antonio (line edits for PBOTL).  I'm working on the Series Matrix for How To Write A Series, and this process is amazing, and tough to get my head around.  It's coming slowly. I also hope to make more progress on it next week.

I installed a Joomla! 3.2.4 test site at FM in preparation for what will be an eventual upgrade of the site to that version.  I think it will eventually work just fine for us.

The Week Ahead:
  • A lot of chopping is on my plate in San Antonio.  I'll be working to excise trash trees from the back corner of the yard.  The trees are pretty young, but I need to hack them off below the ground.  Normally, this isn't too tough, but that corner of the yard has flat stones from the fifties comprising a patio of sorts around an old brick BBQ grill.
  • I'll do a little watering, but I may not have as much to do with the rain we've been getting.  
  • I'll probably have to mow the front yard.  I'm certain to have to mow the back yard.
  • Work on PBOTL and Kitty City series prep work.
  • Make sure everything is ready before I leave so Mr. L has minimal to be concerned with regarding cats and laundry.
  • Pay bills.


Jean said...

Just checked. No "Yard Ho." What a name for a landscaping business, eh?

Tammy Jones said...

I saw a lawn truck the other day with a big YARD DOCTOR sign on the sides and back. Made me think, "Yard doctor, screaming mad at grass!' :p

I'm glad you seem to like doing yard work. I burn if the sun touches me for more than a few moments, so it sounds awful to me, but you always seem really pleased. Bill loves working outside, too. :)

Have a happy first week of June! {{hugs}}

Jean said...

I do like yard work.

Happy first week of June to you! {{{hugs}}}

Wendy said...

I haven't seen As Good As It Gets. I'll have to see if it's on Netflix.

I'm so glad you've gotten some rain. I hope it keeps up for you.

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