Saturday, May 17, 2014

Out of Range

Not too bad a week.  One snag, which I hope will resolve to our satisfaction before the end of the month.

We got our income tax refund back this week.  Followed by a letter from the IRS informing us of a mistake in our taxes.  Apparently, even though my income didn't meet the requirements for filing Schedule D, doing so would have saved us money, so the IRS figured it for us and made appropriate adjustments.  While I never like goofing on taxes, I'm a little happier when the goof is in my favor and the IRS catches it and makes it right.

We went to the appraisal office this week, and even though they've accepted our agricultural use of the land since we bought since 2002, they no longer are doing so.  The answer we get when we asked what changed is, "I don't know.  We've been doing it this way since I've been here, and I wasn't here in 2002."  Not a very helpful answer.  From their responses, I've gathered our haying operation is fine, but it's only 25% of our land, and we need acceptable agricultural use for more than 50%.  The other 75% of the land is woods.  They don't accept growing trees anymore, I guess (That's a different category, and we could file a "conversion to timberland," but that isn't really what we want to do). We seem to have a couple of options, but the one they were pushing is wildlife management area.  We do some of the things for this already, but we hadn't wanted to do the paperwork or the other requirements to meet the standards.  I'm reviewing the guidelines now to see how we can do so without excessive expense or time.   I hope when I get back to town after this week in SA to have an acceptable usage documented for them. If they don't accept that, we'll have to file a protest.

In other news, I got the store grass mowed, a little more work done on PBOTL, I got close enough to Moose (formerly known as Mooch) to briefly touch his head, and we've identified Floyd as our cat doing inappropriate urinating.  Sneaky got a clean bill of health at her annual exam, and Dr. Val believes Floyd may have a chronic cystitis problem.  I pick up a medication she hopes will help with that on Monday on my way to San Antonio.  We'll continue treating with Amoxicillin for three weeks to make sure it's had a full chance to be effective.

I ordered Stephen's anthology.  I forgot to pick up the coats from the cleaners.  I did pretty well eating mindfully.  Weight is creeping down.  Still have a little over 2 pounds to go to achieve my current goal.  Ice cream for dessert raises my fasting blood glucose to over 110 the following morning.  I'm going to have to rethink having ice cream, and I certainly won't have it the night before a blood test!

The Week Ahead:
  • Spend the week in San Antonio
    • Watering
    • Working on the wildlife management plan
    • Trimming hedges
    • Picking up items for Mr. L at Harbor Freight
  • Work on Polar Bear on the Loose -- four more scenes to finish this lesson, then I can work on the next one, which, I believe, is line edits.
  • Continue work on How To Write A Series - Expansion course
  • Try to get Lady and Natasha some back yard time while we're in SA.

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