Sunday, May 4, 2014

Where's the Lighthouse when you need it?

Things are all right. I guess. I am really, really FOGGY. My brain, my muscles, my motivation... most everything.

I was home all by myself yesterday and I had planned on sewing and/or writing (assuming I could get the sewing machine to work - ha ha) but I could not, for the life of me, figure out what to do or how to go about doing it. I just can't THINK.

Bill thought it was because I (normally) have a gazillion things firing in my brain at once - it's why I am so prone to distraction - SQUIRREL!! - but, no, this is more like I have some chicken, and I have asparagus, but what should I do with them....



Why am I in the kitchen? Am I thirsty.... no....

Um... I was doing something. Surely. Maybe I need to pee? (Go to the basement) No...

(stand in basement, looking around) Um... (notice Gozer staring down at me)

Oh! The dog wants out! I can do that....

(back up stairs, let him out, then into the kitchen, staring around blankly) Um....

(Cat comes to me chirping for attention)

Hi MeowMeow! (I'm relieved because I can DO THIS) Yes I'll pet you. Yes, you're a good kitty. (pet her for a while, still trying to think because there was something I was doing but I have zero idea what it was, then notice the dog going apeshit in the back yard after he's been barking who-knows-how-long that I heard but didn't really register as something to deal with at first because I was concentrating on Petting The Cat)

Why is the dog barking? Dammit, Gozer, (as I call him and make him come in) how did you get outside?

Three hours later notice chicken sitting warm and defrosted in microwave and asparagus limp on the counter.

That's my life lately.

I think I have brain damage.

Otherwise things are things. Nothing of real interest to report.

(Fwiw, I think I did have something else to say, but I have no idea what it was)

Have a good week.


Jean said...

{{{hugs}}} That sounds like classic signs of an overloaded, stressed out brain. Or you're having a bad reaction to a medication -- or you need a medication. (No idea which.) {{{hugs}}}

Tammy Jones said...

I'm not on any meds other than my regular vitamins/sinus stuff. I don't feel particularly overwhelmed... I just can't seem to think or make decisions or plan anything beyond what's urgent right now. What's blinking/crying/barking/asking me a question...

Frankly, I'm pretty sure it's my stoopid hormones. I'm seeing my doc about the whole mess next week. Hopefully she'll have definitive answers on what will fix this. {{hugs}}

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