Monday, May 23, 2011


Life goes on. Mostly, things are okay. :)

Still waiting to hear from Atria Books, but no news is good news. I wrote one whole sentence on Stain of Corruption this past week, and found a couple of typos in M. Otherwise nothing at all writing related. 

I did, however, read a whole entire book, Still Life, by Louise Penny. Took me a long while to get past the frothiness of a Cozy - they're normally not my preferred mystery -  but overall I liked it. Was nice to read.

Mood's kinda meh, but better than it was. Most of the house is packed up and put in storage, other than the bare essentials, and I really do like having less 'stuff' around. Now if I can only convince my family, and my own tendency toward gathering writing implements, kitchen doo-dads, and fabric. Since we're remodeling the bathroom, everything is coated with a fine plaster dust. Which is awful. And I try to dust it away, but it's right back. I'm not good with futility and have decided to ignore it until Bill's finished with the bathroom, aggravating dust or not.

Yard sale went great - we didn't make a lot of money, but we got rid of almost everything we'd put out. So that was pretty awesome. 

Our daughter's OB appointment went really great, other than the BF and his family. He got upset that he wasn't included in her pelvic exam experience, and, the following day, they demanded an immediate paternity test. We told them they'd have to wait until there's a baby. Bill and BF's mom had a rather terse email exchange, but all's quiet now, and any hope of reconciliation is over. Hope they leave us alone, at least until the baby's here.

Shower is in, tub's ready to go, just have to finish plastering the drywall. And painting. And GOBS of cleaning.  It's all looking really sweet!

Down 6 lbs since chaos took over a month ago. One strange thing I've noticed is that I'm not chewing my fingernails (it's a lifelong nervous habit) and they've been growing so much they're getting in the way. Is that weird or what?

Everything Else
Pets are fine, we're fine, most everything's fine, just up in the air. And dusty. Lots and lots of dusty.


Jean said...

I thought four sure I posted a comment here, but it must have been all in my mind.

Fingernail chewing is a funny thing. Eons ago, I just decided to stop doing it, and I stopped. Never really thought about it, but I just didn't do it anymore.

It sounds like things are going well where they really need to be going well. Sometimes fine is pretty darn good. Dusty? That will eventually be solved. Hang in there. Hugs.

Wendy said...

I'm so glad things are evening out for you. You sound less tense. It sounds like you're handling BFs family as well as you can. Amazing how things fall apart sometimes when it hits the fan. I'm sorry for Laura. No doubt she thought things would be different when the stick turned blue.

That is a little weird about the nail biting. That's a habit I'm glad I didn't have to break! I have more than enough other ones that I do!

Tammy Jones said...

Thanks, guys. {{huggs}}

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