Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tea, cookies, and conversation

Howdy! Here I am again. Thought I'd stick my head in the door and see what y'all have done with the place. Looks nice. Not sure about the wallpaper -- are those little doggies chasing ducks? -- but the furniture looks comfortable.

Tea would be fine. Unsweetened, of course. Gotta to keep the diabetes under control. Or at least make the attempt. Do you happen to have sugar-free cookies? Good. I'll take a couple.

What I've been doing? Just trying to sell Murder by Dewey Decimal, Murder by the Acre, and Floozy and Other Stories. Mostly Floozy since she's the latest to hit the shelves. Yeah, trying to make money. Listening to a lot of music. Keeping my house clean. Trying to walk as much as possible.

Walking has been easier than you might think because my car has been on the ailing list. The right rear light assembly stopped working. No brake light, no signal light. I've driven it a few times since this happened, and let me tell you, it takes forever to plan your day so you only make left turns. The replacement part should arrive today or tomorrow. Ordered it online, but it was still expensive. Need a car, though. If I don't get to those job interviews, the employers won't have a chance to tell me no. I wouldn't want to deprive them. Maybe hit them with a two-by-four, but not deprive.

Writing? Well, yeah. Not much on Murder by the Mile. Just bits of strange books and stories. No coherence. Babbling, really, but it's babbling at the keyboard, so I think it's progress.

I've always said a certain amount of angst was necessary for me to write, but I may be suffering from too much of a bad thing. I feel paralyzed a lot, unable to make any moves, and the ones I do make seem wrong. I think I'm thinking too much.

Well, there is such a thing, you know, as over-thinking even if Congress is unable to think at all. Over-thinking love, for instance, seems to be a sure way to lose it. And over-thinking life ... it can pass you by before you know it. The only lesson that everyone seems to learn is that life is too short for our dreams.

Hm, wandering off into angst again. Perhaps I can write a literary novel. They seem to run on angst and general all-around hopelessness. Or maybe I'm just restless. I remember a scene from a book (can't think of the title or the author) where the main character is immortal and he gets asked how he survives the long endless centuries with their pain, loss, and sorrows, and he says, "I keep wanting to see what happens next."

Well, I want to see what happens next. Don't you?

I thought so.

Delicious tea. Lipton? Really? Hm. Who would have thought?


Jean said...

There's our Stephen!

Don't you live on a dead end road where you have to turn right to get out?

Lipton? Really? I thought it was Tetley. (Checks box) Oops. My mistake.

SBB said...

No. My road does turn into -- you'll love this -- Bernard Street, but I can go right or left when I leave my house.

Tetley? Not familiar with that tea. Good?

Jean said...

The two I'm familiar with besides Lipton are Tetley (blue box) and Luzianne (reddish-orange box). Both are quite good. I believe it's Tetley that sells boxes of jumbo tea bags specifically for sun tea.

Bernard St. -- Love it!

As for that angst, just like anything too much negates the benefits of just enough. But using it to invade the literary genre? That might be something you could work with. Don't discount that one too quickly.

SBB said...

I've had Luzianne, which is a good study tea, but I've not seen Tetley.

Yeah. MBDD was written years before I moved here, but it's a cool coincidence.

Too late! I already discounted literary novels years ago when I read a famous one in which the only action was people getting up and going to work and coming home and sinking into slow despair. There's enough of that in real life to not have to read a book about it.

SBB said...

I meant, a good sturdy tea. But I think I've studied while sipping it, too.

Wendy said...

Study tea made perfect sense to me, but I've been doing a fair amount of research in the last month.

So good to see you back!! And your front, too! Three weeks with no update was starting to worry me. Don't do that again, please, especially with all the tornadoes we've had. I have your address and a GPS. Don't make me come find you, young man!

See? That's what happens when you ruffle the feathers of a mother hen from hell.

Wendy said...

Oh, yeah, and Tetley makes a pretty good tea, but I think it's found mostly in the South. I can't remember if I've seen it here at the commissary, but that's where it would be if anyone around here carries it.

SBB said...

I'll try to make sure you know I haven't been blown away, Wendy. :)

Question: they have mother hens in hell? I'm fairly certain mother hens go to heaven. 1 Stephen 11:23 -- And the hens who art mothers shall be granted access to Heaven's blessed shores and shall not be denied.

Wendy said...

Aw, that's sweet. I'm going to make sure the Boys hear that when they come, since they were the ones who dubbed me Mother Hen From Hell. Of course, they were barely past their teens, and I was sort of treating them the same way as my toddlers at the time. I meant well; I didn't want them to get involved with strippers or drive drunk, and that still seems reasonable to me.

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