Saturday, May 7, 2011

Week 18

We're 18 weeks into 2011.  Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):   Still working on Lesson 8, and I did so three days this week. I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a  current streak of 327 days.  For the month, I've logged 5586 words this month.

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged not at all this week!  Yikes.  I guess I just didn't have anything to say.

- Dazzle and Millie were due for annual shots this month, so I took them in and had Dazzle evaluated.  She's weak (down to 31 pounds from last year when I believe she was 39), has a strong heart beat, and is alert and not senile.  Dr. Valeri asked if she was eating, and I said she was, but she seemed to be having a hard time.  That query line got hubby and I to thinking, and we concluded (separately) that we needed to begin a regimen of canned food.  Dazzle is very enthusiastic about this!  She eats most of it, and I let Millie finish off the scraps in the bowl (one can in the morning and one in the evening).  Then I put dry food in for the day in case she wants more, but I think she's having trouble with solids.  Since she's had a full series of shots in the last three years (everything was current as of last year), we're not going to subject her to vaccinations.  Except I have to take them both back in -- I forgot to get their kennel cough vaccination, and we're boarding them soon.
- Millie got all her shots and was very happy to be at the vets and ride in the truck.
- Natasha had some fluid coming from her left ear, so she got to ride along, but there was no infection.  Dr. Valeri stuffed some medicine in that was set to last for a week, and Tash's ear seems all better now.  When she plays with the kittens, she plays rough.  I figure a punch got thrown that snagged her outer ear at some point but we got it treated before it got infected.
- The kittens still follow us everywhere and are growing up nicely.

- I've been working water hoses in Central TX.
- Hubby is ready to put color coat on most of the front wall of the house that he's been working on.

- I've gotten four days of various workouts in this week.
- I am at 27.8 pounds lost (five bags of flour) on the WW program  and mostly two inches on all the measurements (only one inch on the arms).  The WW website said again that I was losing weight too fast.  This is still pretty exciting.  I lost almost 10 pounds in the last two weeks, so I can see why the site is expressing concern, but there were three weeks when I lost nothing.  Still, an average of 2.4 pounds a week is a little on the high side.  Heart and everything feels fine.  I mostly want to make sure I'm not losing muscle mass.  I'll do some calculations with my body fat measurements from my scale to see what that looks like.  I may need to make some adjustments in the exercise I do, check protein intake to ensure it's adequate, and I know there are some days I'm not getting as many fruits and vegetables as I think I should.  Mostly, I need to introduce some light weight lifting -- probably hand weights.

- I logged 19.03 miles for Walk Across Texas.


Jean said...

Hmm. I have a tendency to vote Republican. According to Stephen, that means I have no heart. I guess that might explain why I feel fine -- no heart means I can't have any heart arrhythmias if I lose weight too fast. Isn't that good news?

I'll still err on the side of no heart instead of no morals, though.

Wendy said...

You're doing a great job. Keep it up!

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