Saturday, May 14, 2011

Week 19

We're 19 weeks into 2011.  Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):   Still working on Lesson 8, and I did so three days this week. I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a  current streak of 334 days.  For the month, I've logged 11,080 words this month.

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged this week!

- Dazzle and Millie got their bordatella shots this week, but Dazzle also was seen for a sore on her left hip.  It turns out she has the doggie equivalent of a bed sore, so she has moved into the house (downstairs bathroom) to keep flies off her and to keep her clean and dry.  She's taking antibiotics.  She's so bony, it's hard to tell how she's doing, but she's eating well (usually the full canned food twice a day plus a bowl of dry dogfood we leave for her to snack on if she's still hungry).  We hope to get some of the 9 pounds back onto he that she's lost over the last year.  She gets walked around the yard several times a day now, too, so we hope that also helps keep/restore her strength.

- Millie loves going to the vet and riding in the truck.  She grinned and wagged her tail at everyone in Dr Valeri's waiting room while we were there.
- Natasha and Ajax are doing well.
- The kittens have been afraid of the dogs, so having Dazzle in the house has been a source of great curiosity for them.  We leave the dining room door open so we don't feel as if we've shut Dazzle off from the family, and the kittens spend a lot of time hanging around outside the gate into the bathroom fascinated with the dog.  When Dazzle goes outside, as she walks through the house, the kittens back off, but they aren't fuzzing up like they used to. (We failed to remember to acclimate them to dogs when they were very young.)  Then they go into the bathroom and sniff everything -- and eat the dry dogfood.  Odd cats.

- We're in Houston this weekend, so dogs are at the resort, and cats are fending for themselves until tomorrow night.

- I'm sure I've been doing something, but it seems mostly like household chores
- Hubby put color coat on most of the front wall of the house that he's been working on.

- Hubby made lots of dirt.

- I've gotten four days of various workouts in this week.
- I am at 29.4 pounds lost (almost six bags of flour) on the WW program.  I did meet my 10% goal and set another goal for another five percent (I need to lose a total of about 45% of my starting weight). Yes, I'm pretty thrilled about this so far.

- I have added up my miles for Walk Across Texas yet this week -- I'll do it after we get home.


Tammy Jones said...

Go, Jean, Go!! I hope Dazzle gets feeling better, and I have to admit 'Hubby made lots of dirt' made me chuckle. I think it was my great aunt who said someone needed to 'make dirt' when they needed to poo.

Anyway, it made me laugh. lol Here's hoping you have a great day! {{huggs}}

Jean said...

Hmm. Not that kind of dirt. :)

Our neighbors in San Antonio cleaned out their side yard (that had been used as a dog pen) and put in a new fence and grass. We had them deliver the rocks, gravel, and dirt to our driveway. Hubby sifts it and separates the different type of material into 5 gallon buckets (sometimes he does it in the driveway down there or sometimes he loads it into buckets and does it up here). I call that "making dirt."

But your great aunt's definition is also accurate -- I just don't discuss that here. ;)

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