Sunday, May 8, 2011


Late again. Like 3 weeks. I would like to say I'll do better, but with all that's going on, I dunno if it's possible. Anyway, here goes.

Another declination for M - there have been three so far - and we're still waiting on Atria Books (they publish Jodi Picoult). Not sure if we'll make any changes after we hear from them, or just move on to the next batch of publishers. Did receive a nice royalty check for Ghosts this past week though, so that's good news there. 

Otherwise, I have not written a word in about 2 weeks. Not one word.

Still super tired all the time and prone to looking for ways of 'disconnecting'. As a life long clinical depressive, I have to say upfront that I am surely depressed, but this is totally, completely, worlds different than my usual black hole of despair. And, ya know, I don't like this very much.

There has been much, much more drama with my daughter and her boyfriend (and his mother) and the pregnancy, and she's now back home with us. Which is better.  If it wasn't for the added stress of Bill's job and needing to sell the house - and, this week, prepping for a yard sale - I think I'd be in a much better place, mood wise.

Shower is ready to install, but since Laura moved home unexpectedly, Bill's been focusing on redoing her room, which we were going to do after the bathroom, but well, things don't always adhere to pre-established schedules. Especially these past few weeks. Her room's finished, other than painting the moulding and touch up on the walls, and we're hoping the middle of the floor looks as good as the edges when we rip up the carpeting tomorrow.  

Otherwise, the house is in general shambles, between all the drywall dust, Laura moving back and her stuff piled in the living room, and me trying to pack and prep for a yard sale. We've started taking some stuff to storage and the house will get better after the sale and home repairs are done.

Down another pound or so. I think sometimes I forget to eat. Sometimes I eat to disconnect. I dunno. Laura and I have started (as of yesterday) walking every night. Have to keep that up because it's good for the baby (and for gramma).

Everything Else

Goz needs his shots this coming payday, so I have to get that done, and we've started dipping into savings to pay for all the stuff we need to get the house ready. I don't like that much, but it's better than going into debt. We spoke with a realtor last week and she's gonna come by next weekend - during the yard sale - for a quick tour and an initial plan, but we'll probably list sometime in late May or early June. Scary, not knowing what's going to happen with Bill's job, where we'll be forced to move to, or if he'll even have a job at all.  

I just wish something, anything, would be decided. All this uncertainty is awful.


Jean said...

Hugs. Uncertainty is a bear. There are only so many things you can do to compensate for the inevitable, but it sounds like you're doing all you can reasonably do. You won't know what else you could have done until whatever happens drops in your lap. Then, you'll be able to slap your forehead and say, "If only I'd done "X", but there's not way to know, so you do what you can."

More hugs. Despite how miserable you're feeling, I think you're doing great. (But I don't like that you're miserable.)

Wendy said...

Hang in there, hon. I'd call uncertainty a different B word, but we might have kids reading at some point! You're prepping for it better than I ever did. I was prone to hang wringing, whining, and eating chocolate.

I don't know whether to say I'm sorry about the drama with Laura. It sounds like you're glad to have her home, and that you've made peace with the pregnancy, but I'm sorry you have to have this piled on top of everything else.

I don't like that you're miserable, either, but I'm glad you posted. I was starting to worry.

Tammy Jones said...

Thanks, guys!

There's a big community postal meeting tonight where they - supposedly - explain how many jobs will be impacted, then another meeting at the post office with the region's head honcho lady and employees. So, with luck, we'll have some sort of answers tonight, unless they just feed everyone more meaningless baloney (like they have been).

SBB said...

Tammy, you've been in my thoughts and prayers.

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