Sunday, May 29, 2011

Checking In

Not much of interest to report this week. I sat in a courtroom every day. We had 5 days of testimony, and on Tuesday we should wrap it up. May has been a very chaotic month. Not bad, just not routine. I can't say I'm sad to see it go.

Writing: Other than reading research on my lunch breaks, nothing. I'm getting twitchy and I think I'm going to go ahead and start writing this weekend. I can fix details later. I have started my registration for ACFW in September. I just have to decide which agents I want to pitch to and pay for it. That's another good reason to do some writing this weekend.

Clutter: Nada. In fact, I have probably 4 loads of laundry to tackle. This jury duty stuff is like working full time, but it is easier now that my kids are grown.

Health: I packed my food every day, so snacking on the junk food provided in the jury room wasn't an issue. I only lost 2/10ths of a pound, but yesterday I splurged and shared a big piece of chocolate peanut butter cake with Eric, so any loss is a win at this point. I'm trying not to dwell on the fact that I only have 4 more pounds to my checkpoint; don't want to psych myself out. On the plus side, I was on my way home Friday and called Eric to see if he needed anything from Target. He said he was hungry, but he didn't know what for, so I picked up a variety of 100 calorie pack snacks which were a big hit. Past experience is my friend.

Misc: The kids still have not made Jeli a vet appointment to get fixed, so if they don't do it, I'm going to on Thursday. She's had a total of three rounds now, and it wouldn't bother me so much if she wasn't so darn miserable and marking territory on every piece of paper she can find. Poor thing. I have a feeling she's going to become a permanent fixture here, but we were pretty sure of that when they brought her here.

BTW, I know Stephen is around, but he hasn't posted an update in quite a while. Stephen? Are ya there? Are you mad at us? I know you're the only rooster in this hen house, but I'm pretty sure we haven't been henpecking.


Jean said...

Sounds like the week has gone well. Consider it a favor to Jeli to get her fixed and if the kids ever get her back, that's one thing they won't have to worry about either (which can prevent a situation you really don't want).

Yup. Any loss is a win, and you'll do better in the long run for not denying yourself that shared piece of deliciousness.

Tammy Jones said...

Congrats on taking food to jury duty and *mostly* sticking to the plan. It's awesome that you have the cushion to splurge on a piece of cake!

Everything else sounds pretty good too. Not very exciting. These days, I'ld love 'not very exciting' ;) So CONGRATS!!


Wendy said...

Jean, the Boyfriend told me today he's going to call the vet tomorrow. It bugs me because neither of them seem to understand how miserable the poor little mite is. They both know I'm calling my vet on Thursday (my next day off when they'll be open).

Tammy, I would have eaten that cake even without the extra cushion. It's not something I would do every day, but that restaurant is the only place I know of to get that cake. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

SBB said...

That cake sounds wonderful! And you deserve a treat. You've been doing great and moving forward and generally being such an inspiration that I'm not sure I like you anymore. :)

Y'all seem to be doing fine without me, but I will plan on being here more often and making some trouble. I mean, I will be here more. ;)

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