Sunday, June 19, 2011


So everyone else posted, and I'm going to, also, if only to be part of the pack even if I seem to be bringing up the rear.

Health: Went to the doctor for a follow up on my chlorine gas experience (don't try it; not fun) and also had a General Health Panel. Basically that means we ran a lot of tests. Got the results Thursday. Most came back good. However ... my A1C came back 8.8 ... and my blood pressure was slightly high at 128/88 ... and my Vitamin D level was extremely low at 20. Well, the doctor prescribed a Vitamin D supplement, 15 minutes in the sun, and one cup of Vitamin D fortified milk per day. The elevated blood pressure we're just going to watch and hope exercise and eating right will bring it down; if it doesn't, meds. But the A1C ... that was a blow since I really thought it would be lower because of the walking and dietary choices I've been making. So ... more exercise and stricter diet and if it hasn't come down in four months, more meds and probably insulin. I confess to being very discouraged. Diabetes is a tough opponent, and I'm finally realizing there is a good possibility that it might eventually win if they don't find a cure. And you know what I want to do when I'm down? I want to eat. I want to eat sweets and pasta and ice cream and watermelon. There's a certain irony in this which doesn't escape me.

Writing: I wrote a bit on Murder by the Mile. I just lack two pages on the rewrite on Chapter One. I plan on finishing it this week and maybe Chapter Two. I posted on my blog, tweeted enough to keep a presence there, same for Facebook. Too depressed to do much else even though I should.

Clutter: No progress. Not even keeping up with the filing, but I hope to work on that this week.

Budgets: Things are getting tighter here, if that's possible and it is. Been trying to sell more books. A few sales have resulted. Every little bit helps.

Anyway, I'm still here. I posted. And sorry to generally be such a downer. Things will improve. Been enjoying Tammy's snippets. Jean's a busy bee as is Wendy. Y'all are awesome! Awesomer! Awesomest!


Tammy Jones said...

Oh, hon, hang in there. It'll all be okay and maybe the vit D will help perk you up a bit so you can see a clearer road ahead. {{huggs}}

SBB said...

Thanks! :)

Wendy said...

Wow, what's the deal with vitamin D? Interesting that the dr. prescribed 15 minutes in the sun a day. My mom was saying the other day that we crave what we eat, so I'm thinking you eat veggies in cheese sauce (your cholesterol was okay, wasn't it?) and see if you start to crave it.

Hang in there. Watch some monster movies. Don't forget to laugh at least daily.

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