Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 12 tambometics

Thanksgiving is coming! Thanksgiving is coming!!

Nano is stalled, which, for me, is totally expected. I wrote a waaaaaay too long scene in chapter 5, that my normal writing mode says needs to be trimmed immediately, but Nano doesn't allow cutting, and my brain fights over this so that I do nothing. I'd be better off just trimming the dang thing (or rewriting from scratch with a different start and focus might be even better) so maybe I should just do that and take the word count hit.

All silent on the M front. No news is good news, but Thanksgiving is in less than 2 weeks, and if nothing happens by then, it's very likely nothing will happen until next year since major publishers kinda screech to a halt during the holidays for year end and accounting stuff.

Need to stretch and baste another small quilt (was going to tonight, but I haven't, so maybe tomorrow). Need to finish quilting and bind a Christmas table topper for the quilt guild meeting next month. Need to clean up my sewing room because it's clogged with totes, notes, books, magazines, patterns, and sewing supplies. Pretty much everything but fabric, because it's all tidily put away. ;)

Talked to my quilt shop owner friend about a lot of sewing stuff and she - along with others - has decided that I'm wasting my creative talents, so, I dunno. Maybe after Thanksgiving I can sew something to sell. Or not. Heck, I dunno. I'm really not sewing anything lately, all of the current projects, other than last week's baby quilt I made for Katie, are just finishing up things I'd already sewn. 

That said, Bill's talking about building some things for Etsy, and we've discussed making a family store there since all three of us are 'creative'. I guess we'll see. I do have some finished quilts laying around, things I've made because I wanted to try a pattern, or there was a particular fabric that called to me. Mostly I make specific projects for specific people and I just give them away. Sewing something for sale seems... alien. But I do have these oddball things I'm not using, so maybe I'll just Etsy stuff like that. Maybe I'll just give them away on the blog or FB or whatever. Shrug.

Mostly keeping on keeping on. Too busy to get much actually done or focus on anything, if that makes sense. Seems like it's an endless series of rush here, do that, then rush here to do that, then rush home to cook then off to a meeting then round and round we go! Whee!

It's less of a mess. Everything's inside of the house instead of some stacked in the garage (other than furniture we simply do not have room for and a stack of paintings I dunno what to do with - anyone heading toward Northern Iowa soon who might want one of my paintings from college or an armoire Bill built??) so that's good. We spent a good hunk of Friday going through a pile of boxes and bins looking for things to purge. Bill's a super-sorter (it's mind blowing how good he is at organization, while The Kid and I are, well, not) so he got gobs done in that regard while we kinda floundered. But that batch is done. Have one more closet of boxes to go then we will be DONE. As in totally. It'll be nice to be moved in completely and settled.

Now I just have to keep it up. And clean my sewing room, which is trashed. 

Exercising has kinda crumbled this week, only managed one day, and it was a partial before I started coughing so much (and holding my throbbing head) I got dizzy. Since then, I've simply had no time, and when I *do* have time, I'm too pooped from all the running around and unpacking.

Everything Else
It's all right. Ready for a lull, but I don't know when one will land here. No lulls on the horizon.


Jean said...

{{{hugs}}} Despite what you may think, it sounds like you had a productive week.

Wendy said...

So glad to hear you sounding more upbeat. It sounds like you're busy, but it's a good busy, if there is such a thing.

Are you still stalled? I've had that happen, and I don't know if it's strictly legal, but I've gone back the next day and re-written. It's usually what I need to do to get back on track. And if it's not legal, so what? As long as you have 50k words at the end no one will care. It's not like there are NaNo Nazis lurking in your back yard.

Speaking of NaNo, I need to get my butt in gear. I've written about 10% of my goal today!

Tammy Jones said...

I've written some today, but stalled is pretty normal for me, especially with a Dubric book. They fight me. M came a LOT easier.

Heh, maybe that should tell me something. ;)

Fwiw, there's pretty much no way I'll get 50k, but that's all right. At least I'm getting something. {{huggs}}

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