Monday, November 28, 2011

In need of a life

Yes, National Novel Writing Month is nearly over, and I've already crossed 50,000 words. My steaming and steamy book will be placed in (digital) drawer and allowed to cool off before I look at it and discover how truly wretched it is. Then rewriting, rewriting, rewriting will start. Or not.

I'm not sure I will finish Twice Around the Crazy Tree. I delved into things that disturbed me, and I didn't really come out of it with any conclusions other than bad people do bad things and good people have scars. And maybe the truth doesn't really set people free.

So ... what now?

Picking up Murder by the Mile. Time to finish it. I've meandered around enough. It requires fixing, and I didn't want to fix it. Well, need to fix it now. Put it back on my front project list. Also attempting to create five more cards for my card shop on Cafepress. I have one designed and will upload tomorrow. Three others are in the rough. Looking for an idea for the fifth.

Continuing to walk and take my vitamins and drink my green tea. Trying to eat at least one dark green veggie and green leafy salad a day. Got my flu shot. Been taking more Vitamin C, too, to fight off a cold I'm trying to get.

Don't ask.

I said, don't ask.

Well, I feel that weird emptiness that the end of a project (NaNo in this case) always leaves me with. Or maybe it's the holidays. Not having my parents anymore and my siblings' families are always busy ... I always feel a bit disconnected. Lost maybe.

Okay, yeah, the black dog has been nipping at me. Well, that happens, as y'all know because he nips at you, too. Comes with life, I guess.

Sure. Okay. Remember when I told you that I was cleaning the back bedroom and had made a lot of progress? Well, I had to put things back in there so that I had space to put out the Christmas decorations. So I've lost ground. And got behind on magazines, newspapers, mail, etc. Well, I'll dig myself out, and that will probably help my feelings, too.

Anyway, that's what's going on for me this week. Hope y'all are all doing good.


Jean said...

Congrats on your NaNo win. Sounds like a good road ahead.

SBB said...

I hope so, Jean. I always make these plans ...

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