Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 45

Granite Hill has made it to 40,458 words.  We're getting Danny's take on what Dickie has written.  (Think one of your kids has written a memoir about your life, and you are reading and reacting to each chapter.) I managed to miss copying words to it two days this week.  Obviously I wrote.  Losing streaks like this dampens my enthusiasm for playing the game.   I'm till planning to find an alternative that works for me after NaNo.

Internet Responsibilities  Usual stuff.

Pets Everyone is doing well.

Property Hubby is leveling and getting sand underneath the first five feet of driveway bricks before he joins me here in Central Texas for Thanksgiving.

Health Per Wendy's suggestion, I've switched to maintenance until after the holidays.

Other I bought a dvorak keyboard to help me learn this supposedly more intuitive layout.  I started working with it on Wednesday.  I still feel as if I'm typing in a foreign language.  This keyboard has keys marked for qwerty in blue and a push button switch to toggle.  I can swap fine to the Air keyboard, but when I try to switch on this keyboard, I get an atrocious mixture and twisted fingers.  Right now, I'm at the point where common key combinations are beginning to come together.


SBB said...

Could you do 1,500 words one day and catch up? It's hard to keep a schedule that doesn't have any leeway.

I tried a Dvorak keyboard for a while. Never got any faster than a qwerty, and since that's what I have on my laptop, I went back to it on my desktop. But I know people who use it and love it.

Jean said...

I'm caught up. I forgot to copy them to the 750words site, and the day locks at midnight. I didn't remember before the day was completely gone from the world.

Tammy Jones said...

Super congrats on getting great word counts on Granite Hill.

Urgh on the rest. {{huggs}}}

I tried DVORAK once, did not like it at all. Since i have no hand/wrist/finger issues and mostly touch type without too much trouble, it's QWERTY for me. ;)

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