Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week 44

Forty-four weeks into 2011.  Imagine that!  And last week was only 43.  Funny how they arrive one after another like that. 

From Backward NaNo perspective, I've dropped back to two days behind.  From traditional NaNo perspective, I'm doing wonderfully.  I'm pleased with this progress.  I've completed Dickie's point of view, which is mostly a memoir as it relates to his dad, Danny, and how he transformed from a not so great dad to someone he could admire.

Last night, I began Danny's point of view, captured as Danny reads each chapter Dickie has written and provides his perspective.  I decided to write Dickie's book before allowing Danny to read it.  I wanted to get a more genuine response from Danny, and I didn't want to taint Dickie's views with unintended input from Danny.

It's been a busy week but we didn't get any of the things done that hubby needed me in San Antonio with him to complete.  I sometimes think he does this on purpose so he can leverage me to spend time with him.  I was supposed to head back to Central TX today, but since I had no compelling reason to be there, and we didn't get the tree top taken down that is precariously braced in the back yard, I'm spending a few more days here to try to get that dealt with.  I mostly wanted to head back to write, but hubby hasn't been making too many pointed computer comments, so staying here will work fine, I think.

I got the yard mowed for what really should be the last time this year.  I trimmed a few bushes.  We raked leaves from under the hedge in the alley.  I have more trimming and weeding to do, so I'll work on that.  Hubby is digging up driveway and laying brick in a five-six foot swath in front of the doors to get the baseline laid for the driveway bricking.  It's going to be lovely when he finishes. 

Health is unsatisfactory.  I've gained *mumble, mumble* pounds over the last few weeks, and I'm doing terribly on keeping to points.  I'm not sure what to do with myself on this one.  Pretty bummed about it and discouraged with myself.

In news to be grateful and thankful for, Della came home the last week in October (yes, I should have reported this before now!).  To my knowledge, her vision has not returned, but she is well.  If you want to catch up on her (scrolling past the three pages plus of birthday greetings), search Facebook for "Pray for Della!"  Her daughter posted a photo of her with her granddaughter right before she had to return to Alabama last month, and she looks good.

In minor news, I ordered a dvorak keyboard and plan to begin learning that layout.  Yes, I could have done this with a keyboard layout print out and electronically switching the keys, but after nearly forty years of "touch" typing, I still hunt and peck for certain keys on a qwerty layout.  I do not imagine I'd be any different on a dvorak layout.  This keyboard is hardware switchable from dvorak to qwerty and has keycaps labeled with both sets of letterings.

Special thanks to Tammy for pinging me in chat earlier this week to make sure I was okay, because I sounded down.  I was okay, but I was feeling a little down.  Nothing serious.  It's mostly passed.  I'm back to my morbidly cheerful self.


Wendy said...

It sounds like you and hubby have reached an understanding of sorts with regard to your writing. You've been getting a lot done, even if you haven't finished anything at the house.

Hang in there with the health. Maybe you should go on maintenance until after the holidays. Taking a break helped me a lot.

That's great about Della. From the FB page it looks like she's got a lot of support.

Jean said...

How do you think maintenance will help?

Hubby has always said if I write, he's okay with that. It's cruising the web while he's working that he's not too fond of. He's demonstrating that this month, and I'm trying to take breaks and head outside and do a few things with him periodically, too.

Jean said...

I set the site for maintenance. I see what that does for me (more points). I'll stay here until the new year -- kind of take a break and plan to maintain. I'm up from where I was, but maybe this will help.

I've been exercising more in Central TX, so maybe that will help after I get back up there, too. But I'll just relax for now. Thanks, Wendy.

Wendy said...

Going on maintenance will also take the pressure off and hopefully Natalie will relax some. Not sure if she's the issue this time. I suspect I'll be in loss mode with you again after the first of the year. ;-)

You're welcome. Anytime.

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