Saturday, November 5, 2011

In the first week of Nano...

(now I'm going to be humming the 12 Days Of Christmas all day. Brilliant.)

Boy, has it been a week. I feel like my brain is spinning in neutral today.

Writing: Currently 13k+ on Honor. I'll be writing in short bursts through the day, getting today's words and some of the ones I'm behind. I realized that we're not leaving town until Thursday afternoon, so I have that morning to get a little writing in. Nice to have a little buffer.

Clutter: Worse than ever, and company comes in two weeks. If I can get my act together enough to get that daggone Good Will run in, and get some trash out to the trash bin, I'll be in better shape. I sure wish there was a charity around here that did pick-ups. I've called. They don't.

Health: Steady as she goes. Allergies continue to improve. There is light at the end of THAT tunnel, at least.

Misc: Had a minor melt-down the other night. At the time I was 10,000 words behind (I've changed my daily goals, so that number came way down), had three Powerpoints to do for church, and company coming in two weeks to a house that is currently trashed. I have the Powerpoints done and the pressure is off on the writing a little. That leaves the house, and I'm plugging along with that today in between writing. On a positive note, I've been so busy that my TV time has dwindled to about an hour a day. Basically, it's something recorded on the DVR and a little news in the evening. I haven't had time for anything else. I'll have a nice stockpile when I finish this book.


Tammy Jones said...

Hang in there, hon {{huggs}} Stress sucks and I'd come over to help you clean if I could.

More {{huggs}}

Wendy said...

I had a fun evening out with Eric. Drank some scotch and played trivia with friends so the stress level is lower. I think scotch might be part of the key to nano this year. My book is set in Scotland, after all.

Tammy Jones said...

Heh. Let's toast to Scotland, then!

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