Saturday, November 26, 2011

November 26 tambometrics

Still no lull. ;)

Nothing really to report. I have only opened the laptop twice all week.

Um, yeah, about that... Nothing done. Again. It's just been too crazy busy.

The week started with Sarah's emergency birth late Sat night and with repeated trips to the hospital and doctors and everything - plus Thanksgiving and a houseful of people - PLUS the appraiser finally showing up, plus plus plus, well... I've been busy. ;)

It's looking pretty darn good despite the craziness. :) I'm even caught up on laundry. lol

We had eleven guests for Thanksgiving and it all went great. Bill is totally digging the leftovers. ;)

Health is good, other than allergies. Something in my kitchen makes me sneeze repeatedly almost every time I walk in there, but I have no idea what it is. AaaaaaaaaChooooo!! Have not had time to exercise, but I should make myself do that tomorrow. Was going to today, but was too busy. Must make time, I must.

Wrenched up my neck last night picking up an empty box. Yep, an Empty. Box. And it wasn't even a big box. I was rear-ended about the time Bill and I started dating more than 23 years ago and it really screwed up my neck on the left side from the spine all the way around to my throat and down my chest. The ER docs told me I'd have problems with it the rest of my life and they weren't kidding! At least this time it's just the trapezius (the big, triangular muscle running down from the back of the neck that makes the slope of the shoulder) which is nowhere near as awful as when the side (chiro visit because it almost always pulls a vertebrae out of alignment, whee) or - God forbid - the front (usually narcotics, another x ray and bed rest) kink up. A trap cramp I can work out over a few days of stretching, the others I can't fix myself at all. But, about twice a year since the accident, my neck locks up. I'm used to it, but it still sucks.

But, again, it's just the back of my neck and shoulder this time. Not so bad, all things considered.

Weight is holding steady, within 1lb of the new low, so that's good. :) Also the eye seems better. I'm not seeing as much snow, but I still have the big, dark floaters. 

Everything Else
Good golly, I think that's enough! ;)

Have a great week, everyone!!


Jean said...

With this week, how could you feasibly expect to have time to sew or open the laptop?

I'm really sorry about the neck. Congrats on the weight staying stable.

Allergic to the kitchen? That's strange.

Congrats on having what sounds like a good week, all things considered.

Wendy said...

I'm with Jean. You've had enough going on lately. Get some rest and take care of your neck.

You sound so much better than you did over the summer. I hope it keeps up for you.

SBB said...

Wow, Tammy! You were busy, but sounds like you're handling everything. Awesome!

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