Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sneaking off for a moment of solitude

Two of the Boys are here and we've been busy getting caught up again. As usual, it has been like we just had dinner together last week.

Writing: The good news is I added nearly 8,000 words to Honor. The bad news is I haven't written at all this weekend. I have 19,308 words left to do, and nine writing days left. That's all of what's left of the month minus Thanksgiving. I can do it if I hit 2,145 words a day. It's doable, but is it really that important? Honestly, I'm contemplating something I've never done: blowing off the rest of NaNo. If I get to 50k, great, but I'm going to keep writing until it's done, which should be close to Christmas regardless of what I do this week. I don't know if it's the Boys being here or the cold, dreary weather, but as of right now I don't really care of Nov. 30 rolls around and I'm only at 40k. Finishing is more important than busting my tail and burning out.

Clutter: Managed to get two overstuffed bags of clothes out of my house. I have donation boxes in various stages, none of them ready, and none of which I will be doing anything with this week. Might be putting this mostly on the back burner until after the holidays.

Health: Gained a couple of pounds, and expect to gain a couple more this week. Don't really care. I'll deal with it after the Boys and Alex leave.

Misc: We got good news and bad news this week. The good news is the boyfriend has decided to go to trade school to get his CDL. He leaves Dec. 16 for 9 weeks (good news) and Jeli will be staying with us while he's away (not so good news). The bad news was that a friend of my kids' was found dead in his dorm room a couple of days ago. He was 18, diabetic and insulin dependent for years, and his diet was atrocious. It wasn't unexpected, but none of us expected it would be now. We gave him to 40. He had moved with his family to South Carolina a year and a half ago, so it's even further removed from us. We're all in disbelief at this point. Friends of his mom's have organized a vigil for him this week so those of us who knew him here can celebrate his life. All of us, the Boys included, will be going.


SBB said...

I'm with you on NaNo. Remember, NaNo is for us, not the other way around.

Sorry to hear about your kids' friend. I know so many diabetics who don't even try. I can't understand it. I hate being diabetic, but I'll be danged if I let it kill me if I can stop it.

Tammy Jones said...

I am so sorry about your kids' friend. It's so awful when a young person died, especially for something utterly preventable. {{huggs}} and condolences to everyone.

Hon, two overstuffed bags out the door is TWO MORE OVERSTUFFED BAGS than you had out last week, or last month. Which is pretty freaking cool.

Decluttering takes TIME and PATIENCE. Keep positive, keep making those baby steps.

I totally agree with Stephen on the words (and you're totally kicking my butt), and, heck, as for the diet, it's the holidays. Maintain as best you can, but cut yourself some psychological slack. You're only human and it's a festive time of year. Come January, jump right back on!

Jean said...

I'm sorry to hear about your kids' friend. It seems so hard to do what we know we need to do for our health, and so rarely do we discover the consequences with such finality.

The rest of your week? Wonderfully done.

Wendy said...

Thanks for the condolences, guys. Since he wasn't living here anymore, I'm not sure it will ever really sink in. The kids miss him.

Tammy, what you said about the diet over the holidays is essentially what I told Jean a week or two ago. Actually I'm not as bothered by it as I sounded here. I just have to be a little careful because I no longer have a bigger size of jeans to fall back on! Thanks for pointing out the obvious on the clutter. I have a bad habit of looking at what still needs to be done rather than what I've accomplished. Even after six years of homeschooling, patience is not my strong suit. I'm way better at stubborn and judgmental!

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