Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 5 tambometrics

And it's November at last! My favorite month! The harvest is mostly done but we're not cooped up yet, so my allergies are at their low point. It's cooler, so I'm not bloaty and cranky, and I'm in the midst of Thanksgiving planning, my favorite holiday.

I do adore November.  ;)

Nano is coming along. I'm at a smidge under 3k, but I have a really good - re: long and easy - scene in the queue for tonight. While I'm not 'winning' by any stretch of NaNo tradition, I'm very, very happy to have words. :)

No word on M other than it's off to a third publisher. Keeping fingers crossed one will bite on the book (and super crossed it'll be a particular publisher that I'm super excited about!)

I sewed an ENTIRE baby quilt this week! Started it Thursday and finished it today (Saturday) for a friend's baby shower on Sunday. I think it's super cute. :) I'll make one later for my daughter in batiks on black, since those are more her colors. :)

Ahhhhhh. No drama. Can't you feel the joy?

It's a mess. Was super busy then had a headachy cold early in the week, been sewing the last half. But that's okay. Half an hour plus some mopping will make it all just fine. :)

As we unpack things, though, I have decided that we have Too Much Crap. I shall start purging soon.

Still exercising with Richard 4 days a week.  Had my annual physical on Tuesday and everything was great. Well, my cholesterol was about 2 or 3 points above the line (other than the good cholesterol, which was fine) but, most importantly, my blood sugar passed. Woooohoooo!! My doc, however, has upped my Vitamin D (we're all in the Vit. D club here) to 2,000 mg a day. I'm cool with that because my blood sugar was good *and* I'm officially down 14lbs! 

Everything Else
All in all pretty good. Or, maybe judging by my previous statements, it's super! :)


Wendy said...

It sounds like you had a great week! I'm really happy for you.

Tammy Jones said...

Thanks, Wendy!!

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