Friday, March 9, 2012

Loving the Rain

We're finally getting some rain this week in Texas.  It's been a dark and dreary two or three days with more dark and dreary throughout the weekend, and I love it.  My husband is photo-tropic, but I love the dark.

The Good Stuff:

- I think I managed to eat a little less this week, and some weight may have dropped off.  It had through Friday, anyway, but I'm posting this before my Saturday morning weigh and measure, so the actual numbers aren't final
- I took myself to Fort Sam Houston on Tuesday for what I thought was poison ivy settling into my left ear, but it turned out to be an ear infection.  I don't think that would have waited until I got back to my doctor, so I don't feel so bad about the emergency room visit on a slow Tuesday morning.  My blood pressure was curiously elevated to my pre-medication level, and I was concerned about that.  The prednisone clone they gave me for the poison ivy rash began drying it up immediately, so I'm very happy there.  The ear has not been clearing up as quickly as I would have hoped, but it's not getting any worse.
- I got the punctuation critique completed this evening and returned to the person.  I hope she finds it helpful.
- Helped hubby in the driveway excavation a little this week as he managed to get everything done he needed to get done in anticipation of the rain that hasn't really arrived in San Antonio
- For San Antonio yard work, I got the leaves raked in the front yard, many weeds dug in the back yard, the back hedge finished (we cut it down to about three feet high in preparation for fresh spring growth), I got the inner hedge around the hot tub trimmed, and got the excess water drained from the hot tub -- onto the back yard grass where it can do some good. That's the only exercise I got all week.
- Cats got significant yard time (despite discovering a cute little calico had made herself at home on the back patio our first night back in town -- she was gone by the time the cats were unleashed)
- I upgraded the iPad to iOS 5.1, I upgraded the MacBook Air to Lion, and I may have a buyer for my iPad 1, which may change my views on whether I want the new iPad or not.
- I finished reading my first book of the year this week.  Finally.
- Despite my comment below, I did accomplish what I set out to do this week

The Not So Good:

- I'm back in Central Texas, but I haven't done anything productive toward the house.  I thoroughly enjoy my time on the computers, and it's siren call is strong.

For the Next Week:

- Continue reading
- Resume work on PBOTL and HTRYN
- Move the Great Books bookcase upstairs along with the five boxes of books they comprise (I brought it back from Wisconsin, and it's just been sitting in the parlor since my return -- Tarzan and Lady think I brought it back for them to climb on)
- Look at a dresser that needs repair to see if I can handle the job
- Resume workouts on the bike and Wii
- Begin to explore what writing project I want to take on the Grand Tour in May (I want to use part of the trip as an Amtrak Writing Retreat).  It needs to be contained on the Air and the iPad for space considerations.
- I need to remove my unused PC from the computer desk upstairs to make room for hubby's desktop when he brings it up here.  I also need to decide what to do with my 26" widescreen monitor.  It doesn't really fit on my rolltop desk downstairs, but I hate seeing it not being used.  Hmmm.  I wonder if it has an HDMI input?  I don't think so, but I don't recall.  If so, it could replace my TV upstairs.
- Charge the new lawn mower battery and install it in the riding lawn mower in preparation for nicer weather
- I guess some decluttering would be in order.  I still need to clear out some things from the upstairs office. 


Jean said...

The scale was kind this morning. The inches remain unchanged -- not surprised. I transposed two numbers when I entered this week's weight into WW, and it got all excited. Wish it had been real, but I really wouldn't have wanted to lose 30 pounds in two weeks, so I fixed the number. At least the line on the graph moved downward, even with the correction.

Wendy said...

Sounds like a good week. I hope your ear feels better. Ear infections are no fun at all. Does your monitor have the HDMI input? I hear ya on the computer siren song. It would be different if I was doing something productive!

Jean said...

Thanks for reminding me to check the monitor. No. No HDMI input. It has a then-state-of-the-art DVI input. :)

The sort of frustrating thing with the ear medicine is, I lay on my side, insert the drops, and they never seem to absorb in. I can lay there for an hour, massaging it in, but when I sit up or move my head, the drops run out. How can they do any good at that rate?

At least I've gotten the book case and books moved upstairs, but I'm so tired this week. Can I blame it on the time change?

Tammy Jones said...

Wow. You have been busy! Congrats on the rain and cool weather. {{huggs}} to you, hubby, and the cats!

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