Saturday, March 24, 2012

So Here We Are.

Yes, another week has flown by.  I have felt mostly crummy all week.  I'm not sick, but I'm not quite right either.  I don't think I'm suffering from any allergy things, but I think this is what people suffering from allergies probably feel like.  If so, I'm sorry.  I don't know how you get anything done.  I guess sheer necessity.

The Good Stuff:

- I mowed the lawn with the riding mower.  I haven't swapped out the gas yet, but it ran better.  Not great.  But it had enough oomph to crawl through the yard and mow the grass and had brief sequences of running closer to what I would have expected.
- I cleaned the undergrowth from the base of the crepe myrtles.
- The rash on my arm is healing fairly well
- I got a very little work done on PBOTL
- Sigh.  So much for completing a book in a shorter timespan.  ROAD TRIP is morphing into MAY DAYS for a working title.  Yes, I'm dealing with six days -- each, across three separate natural disasters over a span of 30 years!  Six main characters.  I think some people would break it into three books for a trilogy, and if I can get enough material, that may be the way to go.  We'll see.
- My fig cutting is thriving.  I meant to take a couple more cuttings last time I was in San Antonio, but I forgot to get them.
 - I got the menus planned and shopping done, and the "What's for dinner?" hassle has gone pretty smoothly this week as a result of that.

The Not So Good Stuff:

- My ears feel plugged, and that's where I'm getting that shrouded feeling I hear allergy sufferers get.  It's not conducive to getting things done.
- I've felt generally bad physically all week.  I'm not sure what's up with that.

For Next Week:

- Hubby decided he wants to use my little mahogany desk and file drawer for his computer.  I'd cleared off my computer desk upstairs for him, but that's not what he wants.  So, I moved boxes out of the corner of the den where he wanted to put the desk, and the desk is in place.  But I have boxes of my stuff that I need to deal with sitting in the middle of the room.  This would be a good week to finally deal with that stuff, I think.
- We need to lug hubby's printer upstairs.
- I think the islands need work this week for yard work focus.
- I'm selling my iPad 1 to a friend of ours who has no computer, so this will be his first computer.  He's excited about getting it, and we're excited to make it possible for him to surf the web and do some light computing.  I'm looking for all my iPad 1 stuff to make sure I have it ready to give him.  I have the keyboard and extra screen protector.  It's in it's rubber case and the protective slip cover is with it.  I think I have the box for it here somewhere.  We're heading to San Antonio for a couple daysthe first week of April for hubby's birthday, so we'll do the transfer then.


Wendy said...

Eric is feeling icky, too, and he's not an allergy sufferer either. But yeah, what you've described is my new normal. Feel better soon.

SBB said...

Hate all the pollen in the air, but love the sunshine and wind and sunshine and blooming flowers and sunshine and buds on the trees and did I mention sunshine?

What type of fig is that? Will it bear fruit?

Jean said...

I'm not sure what kind of fig it is, but the tree I took the cutting from bears fruit regularly. In fact, it already had a fig on it last time I was in SA. I was surprised to see that!

Wendy, if this is your new normal, it really stinks.

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