Saturday, March 3, 2012

Wendy's Week

I'm home, and the last week is finally starting to catch up with me so this will be short.

- I learned so much at the retreat that I'm still processing it all.
- I have a big chunk of my plot figured out. I have to get more of the history of the clearing of the Highlands in so that my hero can have increasingly large twinges of conscience before, well, I won't spoil the plot. ;-)
- Here's an acronym to help find the first line of a scene:
S -what are the Stakes?
Hero/Heroine's emotions
Anchor the reader in the setting. Where is he? How's the weather?
Run-don't just start the scene, start a few minutes into it. Hit the ground running.
Problem to be started or solved in the scene
This was probably the single biggest take away for me.
- Eric and I got our bedroom furniture moved around. Tomorrow we'll clean up debris.
-In spite of the fact that they fed us like crazy, I only gained 3 pounds.

- My allergies have been bad and my sinuses are a mess. The silver lining is that I'm learning how to work through it. Someday I'll be glad for this, when I have a deadline and a raging migraine.

That's about it for me. How was your week?


SBB said...

Sounds like the retreat was grand! I'm glad you got to go. Sorry about the allergies. And we're not really into spring yet. Stock up on the Contact-D now!

Jean said...

I loved you updates on the retreat. I'm so glad you got so much out of the retreat.

Tammy Jones said...

I like SHARP. Thank you for sharing!! Glad you had a good time and kept the weight gain minimal. {{huggs}}

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