Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wendy's Week

Good Stuff:
- Got my first scene almost all polished up for Frasier and started the synopsis.
- Came up with a better working title. "Honor" has become "King Or Country."
- Kept up pretty well with the house and made a little extra headway. I have a whole box of stuff from my kitchen drawers and cupboards to go to Good Will this week, and that's after the kids picked through it for stuff to put aside for their kitchens.
- Sinuses are better. I've started using my neti pot, and while I don't much like it, rinsing my nasal passages does seem to help a lot. So do the head reflexology points. Yes, desperation set in.
- Picked up some big pots and a composter for my garden, and made a list of the other bits I need to buy. Seeds ship tomorrow.
- Had a good date day with Eric yesterday, shopping (though we didn't find anything very interesting) and dinner with our Scottish society pals.
- Walked in the rain with my honey. My feet got soaked, but it was fun.

Not So Good:
- Only swam once.
- Had to have a talk with my daughter about how passive aggression does not get you what you want. She's having a tough time finding her adult self while still living at home. I agreed to treat her more like a roommate, and she agreed to increase communication. Yeah, it was a super fun spring break. She's either working or in school every day this week, so it will be quiet around here!
- We're still having trouble with laundry peeing. (The cats, not Vicky.) Not as much as when Jeli was here, but still dealing with it. I'll be buying a tall laundry hamper this week and getting the upstairs litter box out again. I have some cleaner, too, that's supposed to get rid of pet smells in carpets. I really think it's because my girls are getting on in years and it's sometimes just easier to go in there than go downstairs.
- I agreed last year to take over the history and culture part of the STL Scottish Games this year. Not only have I not started anything for it, my budget is due in about 2 weeks at our next meeting. No idea what I'm supposed to be doing with this, other than the big broad strokes. Luckily, the guy who used to do it is still on the committee and has said he'll help me.

This Week:
- Get stuff for the garden set up, specifically set up the composter and transfer my pile into it, and shovel dirt out of the raised bed we're retiring into the pots.
- Put weed preventer in the flower beds and clean out the dead wood.
- Find some sample synopses online so I can figure out what exactly a synopsis is supposed to look like. (Tammy, do you have one floating around I can peek at?)
- Finish the first scene and synopsis. I can post the scene here when it's done if y'all want to take a crack at it. Shouldn't take long to do; I just need to add in some sensory detail.
- Start recruiting for for the Scottish Games and put together the budget.
- Keep going on the cleaning/decluttering. Mom is here in 3 1/2 weeks. The goal is to have to change sheets in the guest room, put out towels, and do a light vacuum/mop the week she's due rather than spend three days cleaning.


Jean said...

I think the shift from child to adult is challenging for both parties when the shift is being made in the same house. Yes, you still have to follow certain house rules (it's called courtesy), but those rules are adjusted to the adult child's new status. I think it's complicated by there not being a clearly defined boundary. I don't remember a lot of difficulty when I was that age, but I was only in the house for a couple of months between college and moving to MA to make toy drums, which drove me to the USAF.

I think an upstairs litter box is a good idea. Hubby and I compared it to whether we'd want to traipse downstairs each and every time we needed the bathroom at night. We decided the cats might not want to either. We especially decided this when the kittens were small -- we didn't want any bad habits to develop. But, Natasha is getting on in years, so it was partially in consideration for her, too. They don't use the upstairs box a lot, but it does get used.

You can post or email the item you want critiqued -- I'm leaning toward email. I'm not sure you want the nitty gritty out there for the world to see, but that's your call. ;)

Um, yeah, the Scottish Games. I think you'll want to get something going on that. Grin.

SBB said...

Glad to hear it wasn't Vicky doing the peeing. Of course, I didn't think she was doing it ... but it would have been something interesting to share. I certainly could never top it. :)

When I left home, I left home permanently. My parents were very very very hands on whenever I lived with them. I couldn't take it. Even visits over three days got chancy. It wasn't that I was doing anything -- or not much -- that they would disapprove of; it was a control thing.


Scottish Games? Checkers? Chess? Bastard swords at two paces?

Wendy said...

I don't have to deal with the games, thankfully. I don't know much about them, but I did see something about picking up a telephone pole & throwing it. Not my idea of fun, but it's a chance to get together with friends & eat, so who am I to complain?

Good point on the email, Jean. That sounds like a better option.

Stephen, it's good to see you a little more chipper.

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