Saturday, March 31, 2012

Tam's Week Thirteen

Gonna have to switch to numericals for my post titles, maybe.

I apologize for my absence the past  couple of weekends. While I could blame it on simply being busy (which would be quite true but also utterly inaccurate), it's actually been about my increasing frustration with politics. I've never really been political before - as a Centrist, I've just held my nose and voted for the lesser of two evils, and mostly didn't give much of a crap about specifics because they're all crooks as far as I'm concerned - but as I watch various intrusive bills that target women, their individual rights, and their reproductive health flare up all over the country and in our national congress, I've become quite upset. Foamy at the mouth, even, and the treatment I've received from some of MY ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES who are supposed to at least pretend to care what I, one of their constituents think, has only served to increase my anger and frustration. I'm ticked off, still, about what my congressman's office idiot said and did to me over the phone, and for the ongoing war against women, but I'm not spouting off constantly like an over-heated tea kettle. Least I don't think I am.

Anyway, I was far too upset to post anything other than a vicious anti-religion political rant, and none of you needed to hear that. I'll try to leave the rest of my politics packed up from here out and get on to my regular list.

The Good Stuff:
  • Did layouts for the two big quilts I'm making this year. 
  • Got the polished concepts sent to agent. He and his associates seemed to like SPORE best, so I did some brainstorming and background work on it, fleshed out the first 50 pages, and it - and a 2 page synopsis - have been sent to pre-readers. Seems like my prose is pretty clean, but there are story issues. Excited to get things fixed.
  • Planning on sending a polished proposal packet to agent next week.
  • I've been INCREDIBLY happy with writing these past couple of weeks, which is really, really weird for me. Even a low-word-count day has been lovely to work through. No angst, no guilt, no pain, just happy writing. Yay!
  • My husband has decreed that whatever he can do to help me get this book written, he will DO!! Which, too, is awesome. 
  • Housework is caught up, other than some clutter. Even mopped! Woot!
  • Been maintaining the weekly date with Bill. Definitely great, there!
  • Been walking at least three times a week, 18-20 min each, and, while I'm not down to my all-time-low since we'd moved up here, I'm close. Only about 3.5 lbs to go! That gives me a total weight loss from my high of 23lbs! Woohoo!!
  • The sleeping pills are a godsend. Oh my, the difference in my mood! And I don't ITCH constantly! Double bonus points for that! ;)
  • Watched a Dr Oz episode about body shape, fat stores, and weight loss. Apparently I need to eat low fat, high protein, high fiber and only complex carbs. Um yeah, definitely (doesn't everyone??) But as he showed different tips for different shapes, it really got me thinking. I FEEL much better with more protein, less fat, and more fruits/veggies but not carbs. But eating that way is pricey, especially with everything getting crazy expensive like it is. Yet I must. I'm 47 and my good overall health won't last much longer if I don't straighten up. Not sure how to make it all work, tho. I gave up Diet Coke and sodas in general, surely I can give up processed carbs and add more fruit (but I don't like fruit! Waah!!)
  • Starting the A to Z Challenge tomorrow and I'm pretty excited about that. 
  • Got the laptop converted over to my accounts, like email and all, so I'm not fighting against my daughter's defaults so much.
  • Bought new clothes for summer; capris and cute shirts. Haven't bought decent clothes for myself in years and it's kinda nice.
  • Daughter's work schedule and Bills have finally stabilized so my schedule has stabilized. Big help, there, being able to plan for things again instead of always being at the whim of someone else's life.
  • Started a 'Get Happy' regimen and, btw, I love you, and I am thankful for you. ALL of you.  {{huggs}} It's amazing what spreading a little love can do.
Not So Good:
  • Have not sewn. At all. Other than my regular once a month sampler sewing class which was too easy to really count as sewing.
  • Desk is a mess. Again. But that's pretty standard.
  • I use too many exclamation points lately. Prob because my mood is awesome, but I do need to watch them. ;)
  • One of my quilt guild friends died this week. She was 85, but it's still a shock, she was just fine two weeks ago at club meeting and I was unaware of health issues.
  • Had some unexpected but necessary expenditures (like $250 for shoes for Bills job, aack!!) which have put a dent in the checkbook, but nothing so bad a week or two of frugality won't clear up.
Not So Sure:
  • Having, um, digestive issues with pork. Had them off and on before, but it's become a consistent problem lately and is adding to the complication of improving my diet (adding protein) without costing too much money. Family LOVES pork. Not sure how to resolve this. Maybe by buying stock in Cottonelle™? ;)
Plan for Next Week:
  • Write. Write write write.
  • Expand story scope and layering for SPORE
  • Send polished opening and synopsis to agent.
  • Get better at watching my food intake and logging it.
  • Sew something. Anything. Because it's good for me and my psyche.
  • Increase length of walk route to 30 min as pre-prep to begin Couch to 5k in May! Woot! I might even buy a running stroller!
Have a good week, everyone.  {{huggs}}


Wendy said...

Sounds like a great week! Exercise and writing and hubandly support all at once? Priceless! I'm so glad you're finally getting some rest, and I love that too many exclamation points is a not so good!

I'm not sure I can be any help on adding fruit. Do you dislike all fruit, or some more than others? What about adding fresh lemon or lime juice to your tea?

Tammy Jones said...

i like bananas and blueberries - on cereal but not to just eat. I like oranges, once in a while, and fresh pineapple, again, once in a while, as long as I'm having something else, too, like a sandwich. That's pretty much it. Fruit's too sweet for me, and the texture? Bleck. Raspberries and melon are especially nasty.

Jean said...

You are having a good week!

I'm doing A to Z as well. Got my first post scheduled. Now, I have to get to work on having a couple more ready to go!

I love you and appreciate you, too. Same for Wendy and Stephen.

I'm really sorry about losing your quilting friend. It's tougher when someone appears to be in good health, no matter the age.

Buying a stock in TP as a way to deal with digestive issues. Precious.

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