Sunday, March 11, 2012

Wendy's Week

Good stuff:
- Spent a fair amount of time working on my plot. I think I have the first two acts down.
- Started editing Chapter 1 and writing the synopsis in preparation to enter the Frasier contest. The self-imposed deadline for Chapter 1 is Thursday, and I have friends from the retreat who are working on the same thing, so we're all accountable to each other.
- Not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but I ordered heirloom seeds for the garden. I mention it only because I found the confirmation in my e-mail a few minutes ago and followed up on when they're going to ship. It's been so mild I'd like to get them started, but that's hard if they're not here.
- Got a big chunk of my house cleaned because we had a guy come out to do some estimates to install water and air filtration and to see if a partial bathroom remodel is feasible or if it goes on the house bucket list. The air and water filters and a new water softener got installed on Thursday. We're going tankless on the water heater and having our air ducts cleaned, but I don't know yet when that will be. The bathroom specialist will be here tomorrow night. (The guy last week didn't have much info.) The air filter seems to be helping my allergies. Headaches are decreasing and I've been on one medication instead of two for most of the week.
- Both kids are on spring break this week. It's on the Good side today; next week it might be on the Not So Good side. ;-)
- Worked the youth fund raiser at our church last night. My kids are out of youth group now, but the Boss (who goes to my church) always does the appetizers for the black tie dinner, so I still volunteer to help.
- Volunteered to judge entries in the ACFW Genesis contest.

Not So Good:
- I got some writing done, but I don't feel like it was enough. I'm trying not to beat myself up, but I don't want to cut myself too much slack, either. After all, it's going to be my full time gig pretty soon. One small advance will replace the income I'm losing.
- The adrenaline from the retreat finally wore off and I've been pretty muddy-headed. It's bugging me because I have all these pretty colored notecards begging to be used and I can't think what to do with them!
- Only made it to the pool once last week. That makes once in three weeks, and it's looking like the best I'll do this week is once (or twice in four weeks). I'm working Tuesday-Friday, so that knocks out two days.

This week:
- Maintain what I've gotten done on the house, and up my game a little. Mom and Aunt Shirley will be here in a little over a month.
- Finish Chapter 1 edit.
- Try to find an additional time to get to the pool this week. Maybe if I get a good swim or two in, it will help clear my head.


Jean said...

I'm sure you expected the post-retreat letdown, but it's still a let-down. I think you had a good week, though. Good luck finding a way to fit some swim time in. I think you'll be glad you did.

Wendy said...

Yeah, I did expect the letdown, but I thought it would be a lot sooner, so when it wasn't, I thought maybe I would escape it. No such luck. I had a good long swim today and my head is clearer now, although the sunshine, open windows, and bathroom guys coming tonight might have something to do with it, too.

Tammy Jones said...

I think it sounds like a pretty excellent week, overall. Yeah, some let downs, but, gosh,Wendy, you got stuff done with the house, you're working on the book (and committed to a contest), spent time with the kids, volunteered at church.

Seems like a good week to me. You'll find your brain again. {{huggs}}

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