Sunday, March 25, 2012

Wendy's Week

I had a week. I think it was pretty good. It's just I can't think what I did specifically because my brain is all muddled from my allergies. It's virtually my only symptom today, other than a hint of a headache, which has been around so long I barely notice it anymore. I'll give specifics a shot, but I don't know if I'll come up with anything good.

Good Stuff:
- Wrote.
- Cleaned house.
- Read "The Hunger Games" trilogy. Yup, the whole trilogy. It's YA, so it's an easy read and worth the time. I thought the first book was the best. Yes, I'll be going to see the movie.
- Played with a pudding recipe. Not elaborating lest I cause temptation.
- Went to dinner with a friend I haven't see in a few months. Her son just left for Army basic.
- My seeds arrived.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Realized I didn't introduce my heroine in the first scene of the book, so I cut the conversation Stephen thought was too cheerful (it hurt to cut the line about big bones) and got her in at the end. I'm allowed 1500 words for the entry, and I'm at 1500 words.
- The synopsis is giving me fits because I don't have the details of the end figured out. I know more or less where they're going to end up but not the route they're taking to get there. Story of my life, but I need to get a move on. The deadline is next week and I don't want to wait until the end.
- No progress on the Highland Games. Must work on it this afternoon.
- No additional progress on the house. I have 3 weeks to get it done, plus, in that time, we should be having our water heater replaced and our ducts cleaned, and hopefully our bathtub ripped out and replaced with a walk-in shower. I'm tired just thinking about it.

This Week:
- Highland Games stuff.
- Take the pile o'stuff to Good Will.
- Make a new pile.
- Work on church powerpoints.
- Decide which seeds to start in advance and get them going.
- Decide on garden configuration. I need Eric on this one so we can figure out where to put pots so they'll be easy to mow around.
- Get the Frasier entry submitted.
- Give Tammy and Stephen until Tuesday to prove they're still alive before I make the call to the National Guard.


Jean said...

I've seen evidence of movement from Tammy on Pinterest, so I think she's alive. Not sure why she's avoiding US, though. No matter how bad it is, you can tell us. We still love you.

Tammy Jones said...

I'm alive, I have just been struggling a LOT with some political stuff in the US House of Representatives (the scope of which is surely obvious on my pinterest boards). Bill and I have fought about it (he's very conservative, I'm much more centrist). I called my representative and his person yelled at me and argued with me, I bawled to my Senator, and it's really sucking up a LOT of my brain-time, I'm so, so UPSET about it. I know everyone here is religious, and I don't want you all to hate me too, so I'm kinda staying quiet until I can either talk about other things, or the issue reaches some sort of end, whatever that is. If that makes any kind of screwy sense.

Jean said...

Your pin on the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses providing insurance coverage for procedures which go against their teachings was good food for thought. If that is the case (I hadn't done any research on it), that might affect the legal view on the current discussion.

Personally, I want the government out of my medical life. I recognize that, as a veteran who uses TRICARE (a government program) and the VA (a government program) to pay for my medical care, that that is not possible. So, there's a dichotomy there I cannot resolve. When I was a kid (before age 14), I don't believe we had medical insurance, yet we went to the doctor when we needed to go, and the doctor even made house calls a couple of times. I think medical insurance should be more like car insurance. You have it independent of your employer (again, that doesn't work well for military, but does for most others). If employers want to supply a stipend to offset personal costs as a perk, I don't have a problem with that, but insurance needs to be with the individual or family and not the employer. This keeps the religious question and tax payer funding out of it.

I don't have religious objections to birth control or any other medical procedure. I believe abortion should be legal. I'd prefer to see it never used. So my personal beliefs are not offended by this whole discussion.

SBB said...

I'm here! I'm here! Don't call out the guard!

Sounds like you've had a good week, Wendy. And you took my advice? I'm so flattered that I'm sure I will be unbearable this week!

I've also been playing with recipes. Low carb recipes. I've found some good ones and many that are not so good.

And I'm glad to see you, Tammy. :)

Wendy said...

Tammy, you don't have to hide from us because of your political views. You could be a raging liberal and I wouldn't hate you.

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