Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Goodness, It's June!

 There you have it.  Go on vacation for three weeks, and the month is GONE.  Just like that.

The Good Stuff:

- We survived vacation.  Long train vacations won't be more than at least every two years.  We like them, but they take a lot out of us.  Not enough exercise and uncomfortable sleeping for the person on the top bunk -- and I refuse to get two bedrooms or a bedroom and a roomette so we can both sleep on the bottom bunk, and the 2/3 double bed the couch makes into isn't big enough for the both of us.

- Hubby arrived with garage door openers in tow.  We made another pass for sticker burs (128) before mowing.  I have the inner side yard and the back strip by the street to mow, and I'll get that done tomorrow.

- Hubby brought St. Augustine grass sprigs from San Antonio, and we planted them this afternoon and are watering.

- Laundry caught up from the trip and some things put away.  Still have to get the suitcases back upstairs in the garage.

- Hubby ordered a new Navigator before we left on the trip, and it will be in next week!  A little earlier than we expected.

- I managed to get a few (very few) words written since we got home.  I've cleared space for PBOTL but have not resumed work on it yet.

- Next weekend, we're going to Dallas to see the kids.

- I did get on the recumbent bike for a few minutes last week (a very few).

The Not So Good Stuff:

- I've reached that point with Weight Watchers where I'm ignoring it.  Which makes me wonder, why am I paying for something I'm refusing to use?  I NEED to use it, but I'm refusing to do so.  I'm not sure what would be best to do.  Well, okay, that's not quite right, is it.  What would be BEST for me to do is to get with the program and follow it.  But since I seem to have reached that point where I won't do it, what is the best thing to do?

- Tied in with that, I see my doctor for my semi-annual visit on Tuesday, and I know he's not going to be happy.  Sadly, that makes we want to change doctors, but that's not the right approach.

- Clearly, I'm still not handling my health with maturity or responsibility.

The Week Ahead:

- Refresh my memory with PBOTL and resume work

- Begin sanding the back of the garage (plastic already laid to catch debris).

- Continue yard work -- finish mowing and resume stick shredding

- Get through the doctor appointment on Tuesday and get new prescriptions dropped off at Ft Hood for filling.

- Cut up fallen tree at store building


Tammy Jones said...

Welcome home! I hope you had a nice trip, other than sleeping on the train. {huggs}} Sounds like you've been busy since you got home and gotten a lot done, so congrats on that!

As for the health stuff, I think almost everyone (other than maybe naturally skinny people) tends to live in the area of I know what I SHOULD do, but it's not what I WANT to do, so I won't do it. It's normal and, frankly, it's why so many people die or suffer with the long term effects of preventable, chronic diseases.

I'm just as guilty of it as anyone. I know I need to lose weight and exercise more, but I simply can't be bothered to do so because my current regimen is comfortable, familiar and, frankly, I LIKE it. But it's also going to either kill me young, or leave my elderly years painful and sickly.

So, I dunno. It's hard to change. Is there anything we (or I) could do to help you get back on the WW program, or any other health improvement lifestyle? Yo're very important to me and I don't want to lose you over something that can be avoided. {{hugs}}

SBB said...

Jean, I'm glad you had a good time and glad you're home!

I totally understand not wanting to exercise or eat right. I often want to take a break from this low carb diet. But I remember that my diabetes won't take a break. It doesn't give me a day off for my birthday or holidays or anything. It's relentless. Diabetes is very annoying. So I soldier on. I do a lot of talking to myself and nagging myself and somehow that's working. It is easier than it was at the beginning, but sweet land of Goshen, I wish I didn't have to do this.

I wish you lived closer, Jean. I need an exercise/diet buddy. My ones here have either stopped going to the gym or given up on their diets. That's very discouraging to me. Admittedly, they're all in better shape than me to begin with so I guess they'll be fine, but I sure could use the support.

Now that you're back from your fantastic vacation -- love the photos; want more -- you'll get back in the groove. I know you can and know you will. Every step forward counts.

Wendy said...

Tammy, even naturally skinny people live in that world. Even people who never gain weight need to eat well and exercise. I think it's just tough, given all the options for junk food and temptations that pound away at us. What most people don't realize is that it is possible to be grossly overweight and still die of malnutrition. It's not about weight; it's about fueling your body with what it needs.

Several years ago I read a column on World Net Daily by Chuck Norris about tyranny. He wasn't talking about anything political; he was talking about exercising our ability to choose daily to give our body what it needs versus what it wants. Basically, he was trying to get people to break free of the addictions to sugar, fat, caffeine, nicotine, etc. That's stuck with me for a long time. I still don't always do it. Sometimes I give in to the cravings, probably too often.

Wendy said...

Stepping off my soap box now! Sorry!!

Jean, I am glad you had a good time on your trip and that you're getting back in the groove. That's always the hardest part of being away.

I wish I could come up with an easy solution for your weight troubles. That's my guy side, wanting to fix everything for everyone and getting frustrated when I can't! Would it help, maybe, to sit down and make a list of what you want to accomplish? Or the health concerns you want to fend off? Maybe it's time to see a counselor for a couple sessions to dig deeper. Tricare will cover it. Been there, done that. It was worth every penny they spent. ;)

Jean said...

Some "food" for thought here. Thanks, everyone. Y'all are the greatest!

SBB said...

It's hard to want healthy food because the junk food is filled with sugar and fat, and we crave that. The temptations are everywhere.

Tammy Jones said...

You're fine on your soapbox, Wendy, and I totally agree. Also, I didn't want to seem to pick on skinny people. I just meant to say that most everyone knows what we're supposed to do (and I'm certain every one of us knows). Knowing and doing are two different things. We get in our comfort zones, and we want to stay there. It's simply inertia. It's hard to step out of the rut once inertia's set in.

That's all I was trying to say. And to offer Jean (or any of you) any help and encouragement I could. I'm right here too.

Generally speaking, I eat pretty well - not perfect, no, but mostly veggies, lean meat, whole grains. I never add sugar to anything, and I rarely eat anything 'sweet'. In fact, I'm so sweet-phobic I don't like fruit. It's just too sweet. Fats, it's olive or canola (and a little real butter on my my whole grain with nuts and seeds toast.) Oh, and a little cheese (my only nod to dairy) a couple of times a week. That's it. My bloodwork has always been just fine, and I really believe I owe that to my good diet.

My problem - and it's always been my problem - is getting off my butt to EXERCISE. I always feel better when I do it regularly, and I have more energy, etc, but I utterly, absolutely, completely HATE IT and it takes a great deal of mental effort to make myself get up and do it. I will come up with a million excuses to get out of it, do anything to avoid it. That's my main issue. I know I'm supposed to, should, heck, need to, but breaking my internal mental inertia to actually get it done is another matter entirely.


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