Sunday, June 3, 2012

Wendy's Week

The beginning of the week was pretty darn good. Then it rained on and off for two days, which was great because we needed the rain, but it made the mold spores spike, which is not good. I'm dealing with allergy head. Not fun. Have you ever noticed that a neti pot is shaped like a genie's lamp without a lid? I'm pretty sure it's because you pour a cup of water into it, and when you pour it out through your sinuses, a quart comes out. It's magic if ever I saw it.

Good stuff:
- I started making arrangements for our "wedding" in September. As it turns out, camp will be open to the public on our actual anniversary, so we'll do it that day and it won't be any problem to get my mom into camp. I also won't have to mess with costuming for her unless she wants it.
- Got most of the weeding done.
- Swam three days.
- Got back into the routine. Sort of. More on that in a minute.
- Went to a party with our Scottish friends yesterday. Good food and good company. Drunk Scots are fun to hang out with! I got to formally meet some members of our society that I hadn't met yet.
- Alex headed back to school today. He'll be there all of June and will probably get home (for the rest of the summer) just in time for the Boys to get here.
- Wrote 3,926 words. Closed May at 26,320, which is about 6k more than I did in April in the same number of days.

Not So Good Stuff:
- While I did get back into the routine, things that are not routine got forgotten. Things like a dental cleaning and acupuncture. Not a good week at all for appointments.
- Lost 1.7 pounds, and then promptly gained them back at the party. Note to me: Plan ahead for the next party and lose a few extra pounds in advance. Or try to. It's usually not that easy.
- Didn't make the calls to line up the volunteers for the Scottish Games. 
- Word count dropped when the mold count spiked.
- My family has apparently forgotten that when the house rings, you're supposed to answer it. Sometimes I just let it ring if it's a number I don't recognize, but it would be nice if they would at least get up and go look at it.

This week:
- Make the Scottish Games calls
- Get the bard contract ready to take to Kansas City next week so he can sign it
- Write (the reward for finishing early is The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel)
- Reschedule acupuncture
- Practice for my first 'bard test' (I have to tell my mentor Bodicea's story next weekend)


SBB said...

Hurrah for the words! You're awesome, Wendy, simply fantastically wonderfully awesome! :) You inspire me.

Sounds like the rest of the week was good, too. Sorry about the allergies. What a drag they are.

Have a fantastic wonderful awesome week!

Tammy Jones said...

Good golly, you sound BUSY!!

Allergies - and molds - definitely suck. Here's hoping the mild dies off soon and you can get back to breathing easily. {{huggs}}

Tammy Jones said...

Mild? I meant MOLD. ;)

Wendy said...

LOL I knew what you meant, Tammy. I don't really feel as busy as I sound. I still have plenty of time to veg in front of the TV, unfortunately! I am being extremely careful with what I get involved with. I'm down to one activity at church, and the thing with the Scottish Games is short term. Really, life is revolving around writing right now because it's my job whether I get paid or not right now. I need to get moving on it so I can finance our travel when Eric retires!

Jean said...

Sounds like a good week. Did I miss something on your "wedding?" I'm guess a Rendezvous thing? If so, sounds really cool.

Wendy said...

Jean, we're going to a Rendezvous this fall, and our 25th anniversary is right in the middle of it, so we're going to renew our vows.

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