Friday, June 8, 2012

Wendy's week-checkin' in early

We're headed out of town this afternoon, going to Kansas City for the Scottish Games there. We'll see some friends, I'll tell Bodicea to my bard mentor and look for someone willing to come to the St. Louis Games who teaches Gaelic.

Good Stuff:
- Swam 4 days.
- Alex got back to school safely.
- Vicky was home almost all day yesterday. She's doing well in her classes and is enjoying the small class size. She even cooked dinner.
- Contacted the rest of my people from the Scottish Games from last year. Everyone is coming back. I have contracts almost ready to be e-mailed, and I'll get them out this afternoon.
- Lost the party weight. Now I have the research trip weight left to go.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Pollen and mold counts remained high through the first half of the week. I had a migraine Tuesday and felt like crud all the other days. Yesterday was better, today is the best I've felt in a week and a half. I'm trying to decide if it's worth the hassle of packing the neti pot and distilled water for the weekend. The pollen forecast is moderate, and mold is low, so I may take a chance.
- Got almost no writing done. I wanted to do about 7,500 words and got a little over 2,000. Needless to say, I will not be seeing "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" this week. Maybe next week if the weather cooperates.
- Very frustrated by the circumstances this week. If I'm going to turn pro, I need to be able to produce good work despite my circumstances, right? If we decide we're staying here, allergies are going to be an on-going problem and will affect me at least half the year. (Longer if we keep having mild winters.) It's one of those 'the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak' things, and I'm really trying to keep my frustration from spiraling into flagellation.

Reality Check:
- I realized yesterday that I have first world crappy weeks. We are so blessed to have a secure home and steady income, and that our kids still communicate with us. Even when I feel like crap and can't think enough to work, I know so many people who have it worse. My issues are real to me, but they're really trivial in the grand scheme.

Next Week:
- Try to concentrate
- Write
- Swim 3-4 times


Tammy Jones said...

You are so right about the 'first world problems' we have. I remind myself of that often, and it helps {{huggs}}

Sorry about the allergies and low word counts, but it sounds like a pretty good week otherwise! Have fun in KC!!

Jean said...

Fun things to work through on working through allergies -- not. Hope you had a great weekend.

Ah, yes. First world problems. I'm thankful and blessed with such abundance.

SBB said...

Hope your allergies are better. It's hard to think when your head is pounding and it's hard to breathe.

Wendy said...

The allergies are better, for now. It rained today so we'll see what happens. It seems like they're worse when mold and pollen are high.

BTW, the bard test went great. I told my story to a real audience, not just my mentor. The first time I was shaking like a leaf but my voice was steady. I did it again the next day and it went off without a hitch. He did question me about the part of the story that involved Bodicea's daughters, but research is ambiguous at best where they're concerned. Most people assume she killed them before she killed herself to save them from the Romans, but in my version, they escape to the Highlands and start a new life. I like the implication that some of Bodicea's ancestors are still living.

Jean said...

Yay. Glad to hear the bard tell went well, and a live audience is better. Interesting choice on the escape to the Highlands. It certainly allows more options for the story than murder suicide.

Jean said...

Hmm. That was supposed to be "bard test," but I kind of like "bard tell."

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