Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wendy's Week

Good Stuff:
- Swam 3 times.
- Wrote 4800 words. It's more words than I had last week. I'm done whining about not doing enough.
- Realized I need to take a wider view of my writing career. My ultimate goal is to finance our travel after Eric retires. That's in 20 years if they don't raise the social security age, assuming social security is still around, which will surprise me. It is probably safe to say that if I do nothing but write and focus on perfecting the craft for the next 5 years or so, it will be time well spent. Never mind that I've been fiddling with it for 15 years. That's then. I need to focus on now and later. The plan is to focus less on pitching and more on stock-piling manuscripts that I can polish and send to an agent when the current trends come back around. I can't tell you what a relief that was.
- Made a good start on the downstairs. Of course, it's not staying done.
- Forgot to take my meds the other day and I was zippier that morning than I have been for a long time. That leads me to believe that it's either the ADD or allergy pill that's making me tired. I've been thinking about dropping the ADD pill for quite a while, and since my allergies have been so bad, I'm not willing yet to go off to see if my energy comes back up. I'm weaning off the ADD meds now and should be off completely in a few weeks. I'm exploring essential oils as a replacement, hopefully for both. Sure was nice to go a few hours without feeling like I could fall asleep.
- Finally got in touch with the pastor who is going to renew our vows.
- Put the top of our new tent up in the back yard and inventoried all the pieces to make sure we have everything. Odd to see most of our tax return strewn across the bad yard! The added side benefit is that it's all stowed with the rest of the gear now and not in the middle of the garage, so I have a clear path to the trash cans now.
- Eric got summoned for Federal Jury Duty in August. This part fits under Not So Good, too, because in his current job (at least until he gets hired permanently in Oct) he would have to take unpaid leave to sit on a jury. The good news is they've deferred him until January when, hopefully, the job will continue to pay him while he serves. If nothing else, it gives us a few months to prepare.
- I only had to drive Vicky to school on Monday. She decided she didn't need the Vicodin anymore, that the ibuprofen would handle the residual pain.
- Saved .22 cents a gallon on gas by buying it in St. Louis.

Not So Good Stuff:
- I'm done whining about my writing and how I'm still trying to climb out of the Pit Of Despair.
- Still have a long way to go on the house and a week now to do it. Yes! I have successfully procrastinated reunion preparations again!
- I can't take Eric's jury duty. I was willing. The $40 a day plus mileage would have been great! But the lady at the courthouse was insistent that it's Eric's turn. It's a little sad when you get excited about the possibility of jury duty because it's a source of income!

This Week:
- Finish the house. No, really, finish it this time. Alex will be home Friday, and everyone else will be here Saturday. (Everyone else being only 3 of the Boys. Smaller crowd this time, but good quality!)
- Start making lists of stuff to prep for the rendezvous.
- Grocery shop for the reunion. This might include a Sam's run.


Jean said...

I'm confused. Why is "I'm done whining about my writing and how I'm still trying to climb out of the Pit Of Despair." in Not So Good Stuff? Is it because you don't have an excuse any more, or what?

Wendy said...

Because I wanted to whine, but I had to remind myself that I'm done with that. I guess that was pretty ambiguous! Sorry! :)

Jean said...

That makes perfect sense now. :) Thanks.

Tammy Jones said...


One thing that really helped me in my agent hunt for Ghosts was I approached it - and the writing, honestly - as if I was already a professional. I spent some time considering how would a working author, who'd been published for, oh, ten years or so, work? What would their correspondence look like (this was back when people still used letterhead). How would they approach a story problem? How would they seek representation? Things like that. It's amazing sometimes how much it can help to visualize actually DOING the details of something at a professional level can help impact the learning practice if it, if that makes any kind of wonky sense.

More {{huggs}}

Wendy said...

It does, Tammy, and that's more or less what I've been trying to do. I read "Going Pro" by Steven Pressfield last week and was relieved to see I'd already gotten a start on it. It's more of a head game than I thought! That's good, though. I can do a head game.

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