Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wendy's Week--the toasty version

Yup, it's summer here. We're looking at high 90's today. Yahoo.

Good stuff:
- Vicky lived through getting her wisdom teeth removed. She's improving steadily, losing her chipmunk cheeks and so forth.
- Wrote 6,539 words. Not as many as I'd like, but what else is new?
- Allergies have not been as much of an issue.
- Met with my pastor and the Director of Student Activities at a local college campus to see about setting up a worship service out there, and maybe some bible studies and other activities. It appears to be a fertile field and being the mom of college kids, I think I have something to contribute!
- Discovered a celtic festival just down the road we knew nothing about. One of our Highland dancer friends posted on FB yesterday that she was on her way to Swansea for their first annual celtic festival. I showed the post to Eric, and since Vicky was out with her boyfriend (and not in need of supervision in case she fell down the stairs in a narcotic haze) we jumped in the car and went on over. Heard some good bands and watched our friend dance. It was neat to have that unexpected bit of fun, and if they keep the festival going, I'll have a place (someday) to tell my stories.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Swam twice. Part of it was because I had to stay home with Vicky, but the Y was without power Thursday and Friday, so I wouldn't have been able to swim anyway. Having said that, I could have gone yesterday afternoon but blew it off in favor of embroidery in front of the TV.
- I've been tired all week and don't know why. I'm sleeping enough, but there isn't a part of the day that a nap doesn't sound like a great idea. This has not been good for productivity in any area.
- We have less than 2 weeks until the Boys get here. My house is not ready. I am not ready. I am wishing for a couple of weeks of isolation in a quiet place. Unfortunately I still have to be a wife and mom (such as I am these days).
- My work week will be disrupted again this week. I'll be driving Vicky to school and back, which means I'll spend part of the week in the west end of St Louis. I'll take my iPad and keyboard to a coffee shop to work but I have no idea how much I'll get done. If nothing else, it means I have to be ready to leave a certain times, fight traffic, and put make-up on. I'll have to be properly dressed. Boo! Hiss! (Maybe I can catch a movie...)

This Week:
- Survive as best I can.
- Go to bed early.
- Swim three times.
- Get the downstairs ready for company.


Jean said...

Sounds like a couple of good things -- unexpected fun is always nice.

I hope you're able to make the commuting work for you next week. I see good possibilities.

Wendy said...

So far the commuting is working. I have gotten some words in but I forgot my earbuds, so I'm at the mercy of the people talking around me. Need to remember to bring them tomorrow.

Jean said...

Earbuds would be helpful. Glad the commuting is working.

SBB said...

The Celtic Festival sounds fun! I wish my town had something like that. I really enjoy the Medieval Fair in Norman, Oklahoma, each year.

SBB said...

Hey, when do we get to hear your bard stories?

Wendy said...

I'll probably tell some at the STL Highland Games, and you can buy tickets online!

Wendy said...

For the Games, I mean. Not just my stories.

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