Monday, June 25, 2012

Tam's Week 25

Yes, I know I'm late, and I missed week 24 completely. Aaargh!!

The Good Stuff:
  • Finished Chapter 9 (Sorry, Stephen, still have about 2/3 of the book to go)
  • Been exercising with Richard. 4 times last week!
  • Down again to where I was - finally defeated the bloat! Woot!
  • Went to my 30 year high school class reunion. It was actually kinda fun.
  • Saw BRAVE, which was awesome.
  • Cooked every day last week, well, other than when we were staying over in Des Moines
  • Hung out with my mom
  • Got myself a few new shirts, that I desperately need!
  • We're down to four cats. Much calmer around here - and less hairy. ;)
  • Life, life, life, and did I mention, LIFE? Nothing big or wrong or even important. It's just summer busy, ya know? Ooop, we're outta milk. Ooop! Bill needs 3/4" Pex pipe. Ooop! Laura's putting in an app at the courthouse. Ooop! Low on diapers. Ooop! Dr appointment. Where'd that cat go? Has anyone seen my sunglasses? Lawn needs mowed. Move money between accounts. Supper! Don't forget to thaw something for supper!! Reunion. Replumbing dad's house. Charm swap. Wedding Reception. Graduation. All with a 7mo old baby grabbing everything. So, um, yeah, life. ;)
  • Sewed a halloween table runner for an auction item at the quilt show. Just the top, but that's something.
  • Got my wedding ring resized so I can wear it again.
  • Got a sun tea jar that - so far - isn't leaking all over the refrigerator. 
Just Is
  • No word from either agent. Yet. Still very positive and upbeat.
Not So Good:
  • Spent more money than I should have. Clothes. Hotel. Eating out at the reunion and while in DM. The bookstore. You get the idea. It's like I set a budget then totally toss it out the window.
  • Chapter 9 FOUGHT ME. One scene, anyway, where Sean and a reporter butt heads. Took me 5 or six tries, from scratch, to get it to work. I'm not very good at making little tweaks if a scene isn't working, I have to rip it all out and start over. Thankfully most of this book is coming along like it should and not laying there dead and stinky like that scene with the reporter wanted to.
  • We have mold. Somewhere. In the upstairs bathroom. Bill's currently thinking under the floor/on the kitchen ceiling because, maybe, a year ago when we redid the bathroom the one little leak we had didn't get dried out properly before everything got sealed back up. While I have the utmost confidence that Bill can locate, rip out, and repair whatever moldy damage there is, I'm not looking forward to having my kitchen or bathroom (or both!) partially gutted while I'm struggling to stay on top of life. And there's a baby in the mix. And I'm on book. But we can't have secret mold either - we can smell it, just can't see it. So, um, yeah. Fun times.
for This Week:
  • Write
  • Stay positive
  • Be thankful. I have an amazing life!
Have a good week, everyone.  {{huggs}}


Jean said...

You're here! Good the hear from you, and it sounds like some good things to report. Richard was so happy to see you, I'm sure. :)

I detest problems you cannot see but know are lurking.

I decided to boil my sun tea water (which means it's not really sun tea anymore). Our town's water supply is under a voluntary boil water situation because of some problems they're having with a pump. This isn't going to resolve itself soon, so we've just been taking our chances. Most of our drinking water is filtered through the fridge filter or the filter on the faucet (not that those necessarily eliminate the bacteria which may find it's way through the water system). But taking tap water that may be compromised and putting it in the sun and letting it sit, well, that doesn't seem too bright. Hubby and I both experienced an intestinal response after drinking a batch of tea that seems to support my theory. So this latest batch of "sun" tea has been brewed on the stove. :)

Tammy Jones said...

Urgh on the water! That sounds like a real pain in the butt! {{huggs}}

I'd read somewhere, maybe a year or two ago, that if you take questionable water, put it in a plastic water bottle, and lay the water bottle in the sun, in something like 4 hours all the bacteria is killed by the sunshine. Thought it sounded like a pretty good survival tip, but I'm not ready to put it into practice just yet. ;)

As for keeping it 'sun tea' you could boil water, let it cool, then make tea. Even tho it might be an extra step or two, the flavor might be more sun-tea-y. Maybe. {{huggs}}}

Jean said...

Hmm. I wonder about that. If that's true, then the sun tea should be okay. Hubby likes the stronger blend that came from brewing it, so I may stick with that.

Tammy Jones said...

They had the bottles laying flat on the ground on one of those reflective windshield cover things. Shrug.

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