Sunday, January 6, 2013


Today is the 27th anniversary of the day I left for basic training. I don't remember a lot about that day, mostly sitting around and waiting.

Good Stuff:
- Our cabinets were delivered Friday. They'll install Thursday, Friday, and possibly Monday.
- Met with my bard mentor yesterday and fleshed out the set I'm doing at Tartan Days in April. I have some more writing and research to do for one more queen, but it's going to be good.
- Learned some cool stuff in fencing yesterday. Yes, I feel battered again today, but it's nothing I can't manage. For some reason my pain threshold is much higher below the neck.
- Got my office rearranged and cleaned. It's more functional now, and I have a reading chair by the window. Ironically, moving away from the window has improved my view. I don't have to lean around the monitor to look out.
- We started our blessing jar, too, much like Tammy has done. I think we're going to read ours at Christmas next year, though, because we'll all be together. Time enough to decide on that.
- Thinking about starting Judo. It's closely related, strategy-wise, to fencing and would be another thing in my self-defense arsenal. The mere thought scares the crap out of me, which is another reason to do it, and there is a dojo sort of near my church. My friend (who is a Highland Dancer and does MMA) suggest Krav Maga (an Israeli hand to hand style) but that's way too intense to start with, not to mention I'd probably have to go to St. Louis to learn it. I have to go to St. Louis to fence, but he teaches free, and the people in the class are becoming friends, so that makes it worthwhile.

Not So Good Stuff:
- I'm with Jean on germ sharing with the hubby. His has mostly been a cough and scratchy throat, and that's really all mine has been. I'm a little more tired than usual today, but that could be because I had a big day yesterday.
- My weight has come down a little, but not enough for my jeans to be comfortable all day yet. Tracking on Spark People has helped a lot. I had no idea how much fat I was eating and have scaled that back.
- It's our last week with Alex home. Not sure if that's Good or Not So Good. :-) Of course, his leaving means I'll be doing a Sam's run this week.

This Week:
- Pack up the kitchen.
- Set up my temporary cooking/washing area.
- Get a handle on laundry.
- Research and write my last warrior queen.
- Contact the band I'll be tag-teaming with.
- Don't get any sicker than I already am.
- Arrange appliance delivery.
- Oversee kitchen demo and installation of new cabinets. Pictures soon.


Jean said...

You have a busy week ahead of you!

Jean said...

Isn't it funny how we never forget that day we leave for basic training?

SBB said...

Do you take Airborne, Wendy? I find it helps fight colds. There's also Wal-Borne (Walgreen's version of Well-Born.) And I think Wal-Mart has a version, too.

Judo and fencing. I don't think I've asked or maybe you've already told us and I missed it, but why the interest in self-defense? Has this always been an interest or have situations arisen where such knowledge would have helped?

Are you going to share any of your barding with us? I'd love to hear you share a tale. :)

Wendy said...

Sorry, Stephen, I got busy & didn't come back to look at comments. Consequently, I don't know if you'll see this!

Airborne is my friend. My very good friend.

The self-defense started because the fight scenes I write suck. I learn by doing, and since I write historical fiction, sword fighting is going to be something I run into. (Not literally. Not yet, anyway.) I'm finally in a social circle where I can meet people who do stuff like that. The other part is that I want to be able to fight off zombies at the bottom of the fiscal cliff if necessary.

Give me until about March and we'll see if we can set up some story telling on Google. I can rehearse my Tartan Day set. :)

SBB said...

Wendy, I didn't realize you and Tammy weren't set up to have the comments emailed to you. I corrected that, and now you will both receive any comments on posts.

I think the fencing is awesome. I wish I knew someone who did that and could train me. I'd love to learn. For those zombies, you know.

Story telling sounds great! I'm looking forward to it.

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