Sunday, January 13, 2013

If I only had a brain...

(Sung like the Tin Man from Wizard of Oz lol)

Some days, I'd swear my brain has left the building. I just can't seem to THINK, to focus, to hold a thought more than a moment or two. I can't even remember something as simple as a single recipe ingredient long enough to grab it and put it in without having to read it several times. Very aggravating.

Enough grumbling. Here's the update. It's all a mixed bag of good and meh, nothing really 'bad', mostly meh. ;)

Was up .4lbs at WW this week - also aggravating ha ha, as I'm still more than a pound above my low - and I'm trying to refocus on what works and do all the nuts and boltsy things that I might have gotten lazy with. Also, my leader has told me to eat MORE of my plus points, eat less fruit, add more exercise, and not weigh myself at home. So I'm doing that. I have weighed myself every morning before my shower since we had the girls. Six years. I've not done well with not-weighing since my meeting Thurs. Yesterday, I was in the shower when I went 'oh crap!', today I was actually on the scale. Maybe tomorrow I can not step onto it. lol It's weird how ingrained habits, especially routines, can become.

Wrote a couple of saggy paragraphs for the opening of the current WIP - working title is MOTH, but that'll surely change. I don't know how viable of a story it is, I'm just not seeing it in my head. I blame that on my inability to focus. I like my MC, tho. Says his name is Jaime.

Had a lovely time with my friend Shirley but ate waaaay too much lasagna and bread, which probably contributed to my gain last week, even tho I stayed well within my plus points. I just can't eat much carbs and lose, especially wheat based ones. It's all another thing to learn, another habit to take on.

Sewing room is still in shambles, but I've started sorting fabric. Writing 'good things' for the jar is going fairly well, but not as habitual as I'd intended.

Bill is sick and I woke up today full of snot but otherwise feeling all right. Hopefully I can nip it in the bud and not get sick too.

Been trying to find Chuck Wendig's BLACKBIRDS to buy from a local retailer since I don't buy anything online, but it's proving elusive. Not only have they never heard of the book, it's also not available from their distributor because they don't work with his publisher. Hoping it's a small town limitations issue, but even the county library cant get it. Laura is going to go to B&N on Tuesday, maybe she'll have better luck, but this really brings home the added difficulties of working with a non-big-six publisher. Dangit.

That's about it for me. I hope you all have a great and healthy week!!  {{hugs}}


Jean said...

We were both in the unable to complete a rational thought phase last week, and this week has only been marginally better.

Don't worry too much about the weight. You've been dropping pretty steadily, and your body may be taking a breather to adjust. Keep doing the right things and don't let yourself get discouraged.

Wendy said...

Yup, we had the crud, too, and are both feeling better this week. The great thing about being sick is that normal feels amazing! It's all about perspective.

SBB said...

I love that song! It's applied so much to my life. :)

Does Chuck sell BLACKBIRDS himself?

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