Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year, New Day

Been a good week. I've started writing 'positive notes' to myself and putting them in a jar to list good things that happen each and every day. Food plan is back on track after a holiday week stumble, and I've lost most of what I regained last week. Only 1.4 lbs above my all time low of the past decade - pretty sure I'm gonna pass that - and 30lbs above when we got married. Been exercising - Richard Simmons is leaving me achy and exhausted, but I can feel things tightening up. Haven't written anything, but I'm almost done reading Valley of the Soul so I need to find another book to read once it's done. I'm trying to take a book everywhere I go and read at least a little every single day.

I have my book-brainstorming session with my friend Shirley tomorrow, but today it's Menards, football, and cooking. Remainder of the week it'll be continuing to clean my sewing room - it's bad, oh so bad - and flesh out whatever viable story I can come up with on Monday. Plus exercising, tracking, smooching my sweetie, and playing with my granddaughter who is All Kinds of Awesome.

That's it for me, I hope you all have had a great opening to the new year. {{huggs}}


Jean said...

That all sounds very good. The slips in a jar sounds like a great way to see good things in life.

Wendy said...

So glad WW is working for you. The exercise will get easier.

SBB said...

I think the slips in the jar are a great idea. I'm wondering if I should do that.

So excited about the weight loss for you! That's completely grand. :)

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