Sunday, January 27, 2013

I really need to post something.

Things are going pretty decent here, even though I still haven't written anything. I did get a copy of Blackbirds - and enjoyed it very much even though it was really dark, darker than what I'm used to - and I've picked up Nicholas Sparks' Safe Haven which I haven't started yet. Maybe tomorrow. :) I've been making a point to read fiction, and it's nice. :)

Weight loss is going well. I was up a little on Thursday at my weigh in (.6lbs) but I wasn't surprised since we attended a postal union a party on Saturday and I ate waaaaay too many hors devours (was 27 points OVER my daily regular points, WHAM!! That's a lot for one 'meal'), plus I was kinda achy/cranky/sleepy/sick all week and barely exercised at all. I perked back up on Thursday (water, fresh stuff, exercise), and by Friday I was down more than a pound. Today (yeah, I'm back to weighing myself before my shower, we all have our compulsions, I guess) I was down to one. pound. above. my. 20. year. low.

One more pound and I'm lighter than I've been since 1992. Twenty one years. Is that crazy or what?!?

Anyway, I'm pretty excited about that! My official weight loss is 20.6 lbs, but I really want to hit a 25lb loss in February. Or more, that'd be cool too. :)

I'm noticing that I'm different. My hands are different. I move different. My face and neck and upper body look different. I sleep different. Weird, but good. :)

The quilt I sent to my old editor for her new baby was very much appreciated - yay!! - and at her urging I sent her a short conceptual paragraph about what I'm thinking for a novel that might work for after SPORE. Maybe. It's about telepathy (among other things) and is a traveling buddy kind of story, sort of like a really twisted Thelma and Louise.  With super powers. Kinda. Anyway, I'm interested to see what she has to say because I'm floating around kind of lost here as I wait to hear back from the agent. I need some solid concepts so I can work. Dubric... his stuff just sits and ignores me when I poke at it. Blah. So maybe something else.

I've injured myself with Richard - kept having some pretty uncomfortable upper back and shoulder pain (I think it's too much upper body work all at once) and I *may* have a stress fracture in my foot (gonna make an appointment to get that checked out next week) so I've switched to Walk Away The Pounds with Leslie Sansone since it's a lot more calm that Richard. Bill was teasing me about needing to do Sit and Be Fit instead, but I'm not that sore. Since I'm no longer flailing my arms around for half an hour like a crazy person, my back/shoulders aren't hurting and my foot really isn't that bad, even tho it's lumpy/swollen on the side and tender to the touch. Might just be some kind of tendonitis or sprain or something, I dunno. I can't afford to be off my feet so whatever it is had better be easy to fix.

Been sewing - the quilting I've done this week is on FB - and I think some is good, some is meh, and some...  Sigh. I seem to be pretty good and semi-random all over patterns (like the curliques on the red flower centers) but more structured quilting (the curved lines on the squares) just isn't working for me. I don't know why I can't get any consistency or even do them straight and smooth. I know how to operate my sewing machine! Part of me wants to rip out all the quilting in the table runner and start over, but it's almost a whole bobbin's worth! That's a LOT of ripping out. But it was a cute table runner until I started quilting it, so I just don't know what to do. It's all part of a learning process, I know that, but I don't want to make less-than-adequate quilts either, so round and round I go. Do I rip out and do over, bind it and decide it's okay to finish something that's not acceptable to me, or just toss it in the trash? Mutter mutter.

That's about it. We're all fine, pets are fine, most things are fine. Just wish I was writing. {{huggs}} and have a great week!

1 comment:

Jean said...

Hugs. The writing will come. Glad everything else is going so well.

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