Saturday, January 12, 2013

Not much new

Except the kitchen, and you all know about that. If you don't, go look at my blog. All the pictures to date are there.

Good Stuff:
- Besides the obvious?
- My cold is almost gone. I have no voice, which is a good sign. I should be back to normal this week.
- We had some good quality time with Alex, and he had some good quality time with his girlfriend. Looks like things are getting more serious. Yeah, I'm okay with that. A year ago, I wasn't so much. We've known her for years, and she's done a lot of growing up lately.
- Got some book work done, both on King Or Country and Tim. Not enough, but I'll take it. I need to be working harder on this. Tim is what I'll be working on next month when I go to a writer's retreat. The better prepared I am, the more I'll get out of it. OTOH, I want to enter King Or Country in a contest, but it has to be done first. The deadline is March 15. This is a blessing in disguise. It's experience in juggling projects with deadlines. We should all have this problem for real, right?
- A new Chick-Fil-A opened a few miles away. Actually it's about two blocks from the Y. I see lots of chicken sammiches in my future. Now if we could get a Starbucks in that shopping center...
- One of my band kids (from the praise band at church) was accepted to a good college with a scholarship. As the band mom, I'm proud!

Not So Good Stuff:
- It was 60* this morning. It's much colder now, and we should have sleet and ice by morning. Normally I'd be okay with that. My fridge and pantry stay pretty well stocked. But Alex goes back to school tomorrow, and he drove through less than optimal conditions to get here.
- Started a bible study on Monday and I'm already behind on my homework.

This Week:
- Call the clinic to make follow-up appointments.
- Figure out what to pack for my trip to Florida, and what to pack it in. (I leave the 22nd, which I just realized is a week from Tuesday.)
- Figure out the big parts of Tim for the retreat, or I'll have to take it with me on vacation.
- Keep up on dishes. The good news it, there will be just two of us. It takes a little longer when I have to heat the water to wash them in!

I think that about covers it. Have a good week!


Tammy Jones said...

Mostly that sounds really great, Wendy, and your kitchen is looking SUPERB!!!

{{huggs}} and get feeling better. It sounds like we're all dealing with some respiratory crud.

Wendy said...

Thanks! I'm slowly getting things put away. I thought I would have to wait on the stuff that goes in the base cabinets, which of course is the stuff I use the most, but the counter guy said to go ahead and put everything away and they'd take out the drawers when they install my counters.

SBB said...

Awesome kitchen!

I'm looking forward to reading your books. They will be awesome!

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