Thursday, January 31, 2013


Just a quick post to let you know I'm safely home, but you probably knew that from Facebook already. Laundry is in process. The fencing foil I picked up at the rendezvous should be here tomorrow. I spent almost as much to UPS it home (it was too long for my suitcase) as it did to buy it. That's fine--it's still a deal.

It was a good trip. It's always fun to hang out with Dad and Linda. We walked into the rendezvous again this year because Dad is rehabbing from neck surgery. His weight restrictions would allow him to set up camp. It worked in my favor because sometime when we were out there I evidently ate something that wasn't quite right and ended up with a mild case of food poisoning. At least I assume that's what it was. I didn't have a fever, but I was VERY glad to have indoor plumbing! It passed quickly and I was fine coming home. It was a good shopping trip, and I've got my Grace O'Malley costume just about put together. I need to sew buttons on the waistcoat.

On the home front, the kitchen will be functional tomorrow. We still have some cabinets to go in and a small piece of counter to order and have installed, but most of it is done and tomorrow the plumbing will be finished. Good thing, too. I missed my kitchen sink.

So that's what's been going on here. Now I'm prepping to go back to Florida next month for the writing retreat. Hopefully I'll have my new project plotted by the time I get there. More on that later.


Tammy Jones said...

Welcome home! Glad you had a good trip, but sorry about the tummy-troubles. {{huggs}}

Ne sure to show us completed kitchen pics! I'm so excited!!

Jean said...

Good luck in prepping for your retreat. Sounds like this last trip was a success on all fronts, and the kitchen is really coming together nicely.

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