Sunday, February 10, 2013

And The Angels Sing

I think you all know my grandmother is no longer in pain.  Her youngest child got there last Saturday morning, and by that evening, grandma was gone.  At peace with her God and the world.  I can't feel bad.  She led a full and complete life, and she wasn't able to do anything she liked to do anymore. She will be missed, but it was wrong to try to keep her in this world at this point in her life.  I'm thankful my family knows how to do a funeral.  I'm thankful for the Gunderson Funeral Home in Middleton, WI.  For as long as I know, they have handled our family's burial needs, and they have always done a wonderful job.  It's important to have someone you can trust at times like this.  If I were in in East Liverpool, Ohio, Dawson Funeral Home would be where I would turn.  Alas, in Central Texas, I have no clue. 

We had scrapbooks, Grandma's paintings, one of her quilts and Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls made by her adorned her casket for the visitation.  Dad built a photo slide show of her life (he does a wonderful job of this).  We asked people to write down their memories of grandma and send them to us, and my dad compiled those and printed them for people to read.

Great Grandchildren were the pall bearers -- all between 11 and 24.  They remained composed through the service and until they discharged their duties loading the casket into the hearse.  The moment they came back inside the church doors, they burst into tears and clung to their family members.  It was an emotional moment for everyone.

I still have my Raggedy Ann doll that Grandma made for me when I was young.  I have the quilt she made for my bed when I was a teenager.  I have several of her wonderful water color paintings.  I have a few other things Grandma gave me through the years.  She was blessed with many creative gifts, and she shared the fruits of her creativity with all who wanted them.

I got some of Mom's crocheted dishrags while I was there this time (she mentioned she had some last time I was there, but I hadn't gotten around to getting them before I left), and I got a microwave potato pocket.  Never seen them before, but you wrap your potatoes in damp paper towels and nuke them inside the pocket. It would also work as a trivet if you needed one.

I'm on the train headed home.  I got about three-quarters of a short story written on the way up for the FM Anthology Collection -- prompt is Cat Eyes.  I'll get ready to resume work on it shortly.  I love the train as a writing retreat. 

The Week Ahead:
  • Resume work on PBOTL
  • Resume work on crepe myrtle trimmings
  • Plan when to go to San Antonio again, because I was supposed to be there this week
  • Ride the bike, read, write morning pages (I wrote them every day this week, usually before going to bed)
  • Decide if I want to continue with Weight Watchers (it's time to renew my plan) or if I want to take a break from it for a little while while still working with myself on a healthier lifestyle.
  • Make sure I scheduled bill payments before I left, because I don't remember.
  • Take Lady and Tarzan to vet for their annual exams and shots.
  • Reorient myself to life. 

1 comment:

SBB said...

I'm glad it was a "good" funeral. Into every life ...

Sounds like a busy week ahead, but give yourself time to rest, too. And to be peaceful. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

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