Sunday, February 10, 2013

This and that

Fought with my back all week. Battle is still going on, but it is better. I just have to be very, very, very careful, and that gets old.

Haven't worked on MBTM as much as I hoped. It hurts to sit in my chair very long. Of course, it hurts to do just about anything. But it is better. No, really, it is. I'm just worn out.

Had writers group meeting Saturday. It went well. They are moving from being a social group that writes to being a writing group that socializes, if you get the difference. I'm excited that more of them are writing between meetings. It's been a lot of work so far, but I'm seeing results, so the effort is worth it.

Thought a lot about Jean this week and her trip home. Glad to hear from her. Glad the trip, while sad, was good. Some families behave badly at funerals. I'm glad hers doesn't.

This week:

-- Baby my back.
-- Household chores as I can.
-- Murder by the Mile.
-- Set up a new display and author of the month at the store downtown.
-- Stay on top of the various blogs.
-- Count my blessings one by one.

I hope y'all have a great week. Talk to you later.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I'm certain they helped.

I'm so sorry about your back. I completely understand how exhausting it is. Get your rest and allow it to heal.

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