Saturday, February 16, 2013

Made it through another week! :)

Mostly this past week has been incredibly good. The one thing I can think of that wasn't, really wasn't bad at all, so I'll start with it. :)

The Bad :^( (see the saaaad face? lol)

I was up 3.2 lbs at weigh in on Thursday. While this usually would have me grumbling, I really can't because 1) I had so much 'good' stuff happening I really didn't worry about points, I just kinda bipped through my week tracking but not really caring about the numbers 2) Doc said not to exercise until Friday (poo!!) and 3) these stupid anti-inflamatories seem to make me both hungry and bloaty plus weight gain is a common side effect. So I'm up, but it's okay. :)

As of tonight, I'm no longer taking the anti-inflamatories. Hey, I lasted a week. On an Rx med. Which is just about a record for me for a non-antibiotic. lol I'll just take some ibuprofen if it starts hurting again. They don't make me bloaty. ;)

The meh :^|

Sewing room is in shambles. Again. Desk is a disaster. Must take care of both. Soon.

The Good :^D

I was the first person selected to serve on the City Council and my path to World Political Domination has BEGUN!! Bwahaha!

Just kidding. I have zero desire to progress beyond this point, but my first meeting went well, I voted on some things, and everyone else on the council seems REALLY nice. Yay!! They also videotape the meetings (boo!!). I really do not like being filmed. It's that craptastic self esteem thing, I think, but it'll be okay. No one supposedly looks at them, anyway, and it's just til the end of this year.

I bought a case of Girl Scout Cookies to send to overseas troops this week. That made me smile. :)

Started a table-topper/wallhanging sized quilt for a friend and it's been LOVELY to sew. We're making a trade and I really think she'll like it when it's done. Heck, I'm making it and really like it. I rarely do appliqué since it's so much more work, but this is simply gorgeous!!  I'll post a pic on FB after she's received it, but I'd put a pic of some of the fabrics up there the other day. :)

Money's good, family's good, health's good, pets are good, pretty much everything is good. :)

Picked up the ActiveLink for WW this week, since I started exercising again. It has an 8 day assessment where it figures out your baseline for activity before starting to nudge you forward. Should be interesting to use. :)

I had two - count 'em, TWO - great dates with my hubby this past week. We actually got a little dressed up for the first one (for us, nice shirts and jeans) and went to the nicest restaurant in the area and ordered an appetizer and everything. Why? Just because. And it was awesome.  And I did not care one bit how many points my coconut chicken salad was. So there! ;)

For the second date, it was because it's Free Pie Wednesday at Village Inn and it was like our Valentine's Day Date. We had a nice supper, just us two, held hands the whole time, and split a piece of pie. Also did not care about the points. We talked a lot about my book and the phone conversation with The Agent's assistant and how she wanted to know if I could type up my ideas because The Agent was SWAMPED. But I'd already typed them, and sent them immediately, and she and I talked a little bit about how I'm totally cool with changes, I'm used to it, and feel free to mix and match from the ideas or suggest anything else. I'm raring to go. She was relived to hear it since a lot of authors aren't as open to modifications. So, yay on all that!

Then Friday she sent me an email to tell me The Agent was mulling over my suggestions. He's leaning toward a couple of the ideas and we had some back and forths (mostly me trying not to squee too much while assuring her I was absolutely delighted) and I'm likely to hear back again on Wednesday. So Yay!!!

One of the selections seems to be very likely while the other is still at least partially in the air, so I'm stating making the corrections for the likely change. I'll make a new file, just in case, but this at least will give me some work to do on SPORE.

Given the rest of my week, I'm delighted to take a 3lb gain. ;)

{{huggs}} and have a great week, everyone!!


Jean said...

Sounds like a great week. The three pounds sounds deal withable. Fingers crossed for more good SPORE news. Congrats on the city council. Enjoy the honeymoon while it lasts.

Wendy said...

I'm so glad to see things going well for you. It looks like it's been a great week. Those 3 pesky pounds will come off.

SBB said...

Congratulations on the city council! I think that would be quite cool.

Want SPORE to be published so bad! But not as much as you do, I'm sure. Hope it happens soon!

Tammy Jones said...

Thanks, guys. It's been kinda crazy this past week, too. {{hugs}}

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