Sunday, February 3, 2013

Gotta believe there's something more

That's the lyric of a song by A Great Big World, my new favorite group. I already posted a video from them. They're upbeat and optimist in their music. Not a lot of groups recording music like that.

Last week, I
- worked on Murder by the Mile,
- went to lunch with a friend,
- picked up another client for my blog service,
- renewed an ad for my blogs,
- babied my back, which is determined to put me into therapy again. I'm just as determined that won't happen.
- did the household chores that I could,
- continued to straighten the house now that the holiday decorations are out in the garage,
- paid bills,
- played with my train,
- and talked to two people who might hire me to publish their books.

This week, I will
- continue to baby my back,
- work on Murder by the Mile,
- do the household chores I can,
- try to make it back the gym, depending on how my back is,
- work on my entries for the writers group anthology for this year,
- work on the family newsletter in a (probably vain) attempt to have its publication be more timely,
- prepare for the writers group meeting on Saturday,
- and generally try to keep my head above water and a smile on my face -- or at least not a frown.

Hope your week goes well!


Wendy said...

Could you send me some details about your blog service? Are you working only with blogger, or can you help me build a site at my domain?

Jean said...

Except for the back, it sounds like a pretty good week.

SBB said...

Wendy, I sent you an email about the blog service. Let me know if you have questions.

It was okay, Jean. It doesn't seem I'm getting as much done as I want to -- well, that's true enough -- but things could be worse. I'm trying to remember to count my blessings.

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